What does toilet training have to do with manifesting?
I have been talking a lot lately about the strategy and mindset behind manifesting. Recently, while I was helping my 3yo as we toilet train him… I got to thinking that learning to manifest is a bit like learning to go to the toilet.
Ok, so for those of you who have never toilet trained a child, you may just have to imagine this, but I’m sure you can…
One of the big questions I got when I ran my webinar on the mindset and strategy of manifesting was when it comes to trusting the universe… how do you do that? How do you surrender?
And my response… you learn. You start with small things. You ask the universe to deliver small things and you start to build trust and learn to look for the signs.
So, you may just start by asking it to show you green cars and count how many green cars it shows you. You may ask for it to show you something obscure and see if it brings you that. In my group on Facebook, Business Manifestors Club, I put a video up yesterday about how feathers are a sign to me that I’m on the right path. So, I ask for feathers to show up to show me that and they do, in the strangest of places.
And then as you start to believe in it more and you start to know the signs that the universe has your back or it’s “talking to you”, then you can ask for more and more and bigger and bigger things and learn to trust and surrender, that the Big U has your back.
So, what the heck does this have to do with toilet training?
So, when a child lives in their diapers, they don’t know the signs of having to go to the toilet. They just pee and poo whenever it comes out.
When you take them out of the diaper. They pee and make a mess and don’t even know that they were going to. And you change them into new clothes.
Eventually, they start to learn what the signs are for them, that they are going to pee…and they tell you and you put them on the toilet. And often… they mess it up and have an accident. Yup… it often doesn’t work.
Same as the universe… We take off the nappy and we don’t know the signs. So, we miss them. Then we start to pay attention and we may or may not see them. So sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. We are still building trust with the universe. The same way the child is building trust with it’s body.
Then, eventually the child starts to get it. I mean… Does anyone know a “healthy adult” who isn’t toilet trained? We all figure this out, right?
Eventually, we know the signs of having to go to the toilet, we can feel it and prepare for it, we can even learn to hold it. But we had to first start somewhere… we first had to build the trust to learn the signs and know how to listen to them.
Eventually, as you build more and more trust with the universe and you listen to more and more signs, you can be able to surrender more and let go of the “how” and just know… the universe has your back.
So, just like the child… start small… Ask for small things, build trust, learn the signs and then as you develop your manifesting “senses”… keep “upping” your game. And know that it may not work all the time. There may be “accidents” along the way. Just keep “changing your pants” and doing it again. You’ll get there!
And like the adults who now go into the toilets and not their pants… We all manifest every day. Every single one of us. Now, it’s just about learning to manifest your dreams, consciously.
I think that’s a pretty cool way to think about that… What do you think? Help you make sense of trusting the process? Really it’s just learning a new skill! I’d love to hear your comments. Please comment below or tag me on Facebook. Did this fun analogy help?