Are you living YOUR epic life?
If you were to create an EPIC life on your terms… would it look like it does right now?
What would you be doing?
Would you be running around, hurrying through life? Too busy and distracted by everything in your mind to pay attention to your kids? To stop and listen to their gorgeous stories… To be too busy to hold them tight… hold your partner tight and kiss them like you mean it, every single day…
Would it be too busy to do the things you love? Would you exercise more? Do a different type of exercise?
Would you travel more?
Would you go out for dinner more?
Would you eat differently? Including more whole foods and organic foods (OH MY… I hate money being an excuse to NOT do this. When I shop and choose to buy packaged goods for parties or for the few packaged things I get for my kids… it’s always so much more expensive than my whole food shops. But that’s a whole other post).
What would make your life EVEN MORE EPIC?
Take a moment now and think about that…
And now ask yourself… WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
When I took on full time study and starting my business in the same year… with a 2 and 5 year old… I SWORE… I would never be too busy that I wouldn’t have time to cuddle my kids, patch up a sore knee, or listen to their gorgeous stories.
I remembered that every day… and there were days it was a struggle. EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY was booked.
Meditation, gym time, dance and horseback riding, class, study, work, school runs, activities for the kids… Name it… I had it booked to a precision minute. It didn’t leave oodles of time for those moments when your kid just wants to hold you a little bit tighter and longer. For those moments when they just want to share an exciting thing that happened or a struggle they are dealing with.
You know what… IT SUCKED.
That was a super hard year for me in management of time and STRESS.
I LOVED what I was DOING. Who I was becoming. BUT… the road to getting there… the stress, the hurry, they minute to minute scheduling… it was not MY ideal of an EPIC life.
I wouldn’t change it for the world. I wouldn’t change what I discovered about myself on so many levels. AND… I wouldn’t choose to do it again. Not that way.
And the incredible thing about this move has been we get to CHOOSE what we put on our plates. We get to choose how much we want to take on. We get to create everything in the most perfect and epic way. Which means… giving myself space to breathe… space to enjoy chilling with my boys. Giggling doing handstands. Colouring, painting and journaling… bike rides…
This didn’t happen by accident. It happened because I chose it this way. We chose it this way. It happened because I get to create and design my own EPIC LIFE that works for me and my family.
And so, I ask you… look around your life… Is it what you want?
AND PLEASE… for the love of god don’t make money an excuse to create your dreams… don’t make TIME your excuse either. I know… I have had them BOTH. And I can tell you… We have LESS money coming in now than we did 2 years ago. We have the same amount of TIME as you do.
It’s absolutely positively what you CHOSE to do with the money and time you have.
You will ALWAYS be a able to CREATE the TIME AND MONEY to do what your heart is truly desiring… if you chose right here and now to decide it’s important enough for you to do it… and then you commit to it and act on it.
It’s that EASY.
Don’t put what you want off into the future. Make it happen now. In this moment. Choose it now.
I know… in many ways… if you are in thick of that hamster wheel of life… going round and round in it, it’s hard to see your way off of it. It’s hard to see how it could be any different. By the way this is equally true for entreprenuers/biz owners as it is for people in jobs.
All you can see in front of you is… I HAVE to do this work. I HAVE to get my kids to school, sport, etc… i have to get this work done. I have to(insert your thing here).
And I can tell you that my life is drastically different today than it was two years ago, because I am creating it that way.
Not because I have more time or money. Matter of fact, in many ways, I currently have less support as well as money here as we are making this transition. But it hasn’t stopped me.
So… if you are looking to make some changes. If you look around and you are tired, Tired of being on that wheel… running around it, wondering how you will EVER GET OFF… Then it’s time to get some help.
Seriously… from my heart to yours… it doesn’t have to be that way. You can find peace inside. You can honour yourself. You can be YOU. You can create everything you desire and more.
If you want to stop WISHING and hoping that one day… you will have the time and money to do the things you have always wanted to do… Then let’s get to work on changing the wish to the reality.
Don’t do this alone. Get help. It doesn’t have to be hard. Let it be easy.
Respond to this blog post to connect about working one on one with me. Of course… only if you are ready to have your dreams become your reality. 🙂