From the darkness…
I was so weak. I was so very weak.
Sad, miserable, wondering how I could ever live another day.
Down. At the bottom.
The notes were written.
I was done.
But fate had another way.
And day by day. Footstep by footstep… I pulled myself out.
I dredged through mud that felt like it would hold me in.
I saw dark.
It coursed through my veins. Barely able to breathe.
Not knowing who I was.
So confused.
NOTHING in front of me.
No feet to stand on.
And yet, so many people stood around me, with love.
I just couldn’t see it.
And so I stepped. One step towards the light. I chose the light.
And each day since… another day closer to the light.
To more joy.
To more ease.
To more beauty and LOVE.
To gratitude.
To high vibes.
It’s always just a choice.
It’s always one footstep that follows another.
One sign. One miracle.
One forgiveness. One opening.
One blissful moment after another.
And you can find your way.
If you choose it. If you decide to make your life epic, it’s yours to have.
EVERYTHING you want and MORE.
The more you work on your mind… the more hours you spend training your brain to think positively and eliminating all the toxic poison in your life from ALL AREAS of your life… The closer you get to everything you want and more.
It’s a decision you make. A choice to eliminate excuses and do EVERYTHING in YOUR POWER to create your dreams.
You back yourself.
You love yourself.
You commit to the most important person in this world and you don’t take no for an answer (of course, that’s you)… and you work your butt off everyday… doing WHAT YOU LOVE… whilst RAISING YOUR VIBES… to be the most incredible version of yourself.
OWNING… every last nook and cranny of WHO YOU ARE… and BEING WILLING to BE ALL OF THAT.
No shame. No guilt. No judgement. No beating yourself up. No excuses.
You are GORGEOUS the way you are. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT.
And we are all here to shine our lights and make this world an incredible place to be.
Earth is a remarkable and amazing place to be.
Beauty, Kindness, Love, Generosity, Gratitude, Support, Friendship, Intimacy… it lurks on every corner. There waiting for you to grab it… hold onto it. BE IT. Embody all the greatest gifts there are on this planet to offer.
Focus on this.
Focus on the beauty of you.
Find it in you.
And when you do… life will never be the same again. Ever.
That darkness can’t win.
It has no place in your life.
If comes for a glimpse but leaves promptly.
And you win.
You finally begin to win the battle with the darkness.
It can rear it’s head. You know what it looks like… But you win.
And LIFE is finally GOOD.
But first… the decision to accept nothing less than amazing.
You got this gorgeous. Just keep going. One foot in front of the other.
Geez… every time I think I can’t be more vulnerable… something deeper comes out.
PS- It’s coming… A 6 month-2017 Energy Calendar.
Finding my way into the light has taken years of shedding layers, following signs, learning about energy, getting more and more tools to find my alignment and keep me aligned into being the best version of me.
This calendar is a culmination of tons of my work… And it’s epic.
In the calendar… I look at the energy of each month from a numerology perspective and then give you tips and tricks to stay aligned to the energy of the universe to keep you in even more ease and flow.
This stuff is magic. I can’t make it up. It just works and my clients get awesome results because of it. New opportunities, new clients, more money, better relationships, lose weight.. it all happens because when you are in the flow of the universe and totally aligned to that AND yourself… Things can be EASY.
Once I let you know the energy of the month, I give you tips on how to work with feng shui, colours, crystals and animal energy to stay completely aligned to the universal energy of the month and of course keep you in flow.
It’s MAGIC. It’s FUN. It’s SO EASY and SIMPLE.
I always say… want to create your dreams… throw everything you can at them to make it the easiest path possible. Cause why would you do it any other way?
I’m nearly done with the sales page and then hubby will be putting it up all pretty for you… but in the meantime if you want to grab this… let me know in the comments below or PM me and I’ll send you the info.
It’s next level awesome in creating ease and flow in your life and/or business. And NO, you don’t have to have a business to use the magic of this.