One of my favourite things about coaches…
The scared space to share the deepest parts of your soul so that you can own it and step into it. A place to claim who you are. A place to “brag”, a place to share your deepest secrets., because in doing so… you can get help to integrate the thing you are going through… good or bad.
Feeling grateful for a coach that allows me the safe space to share things I don’t share with others. And for clients who share their deepest secrets and trust me to hold the space for them.
It’s something you can only know… this space… when you experience a coach who is willing to go to these places with you…and you trust so deeply that you know they are there solely for YOU… solely to help you break through your shit and help you move to the next level.
And of course… any coaching situation… like anything in life… is what you put into it. The more you are willing to share… the more vulnerable you get… the more the person is aware of all of YOU so that they can actually help you breakthrough your stories. It’s so massive and important to allow yourself this time, this work, this magic and the belief that you are WORTHY of BEING SUPPORTED and creating your dreams … so that you can step into being the person who DOES.
#ilovecoaching #ilovecoaches #sacredspace #practicewhatipreach
#leadbyexample #revealing #vulnerable #scary #amazing
Original Date Written: February 20, 2018