What would happen if you actually did… that which you know you must?
In the space… there is a space… where everything is possible. When you let go. Really… let go.
Of the anxiety… of the stress.. of the worry… that has plagued you for as long as you can remember.
You realise… you are not in control.
I mean, you know that already, don’t you?
So stop trying to fight it.
And start living.
Living a life of wholeness, love, peace…
Your mind wants to control that which it cannot.
Let it go.
What would happen if you actually did… that which you know you must?
What would happen if you stopped fighting yourself? Fighting Universal Law?
What would happen if you actually trusted that all would work out for the better and let go?
And took at least one step each day towards your dreams… never really knowing how they will show up, just trusting… will they?
What would happen then?
Spend each day… in the spaciousness… take the time to create it… sit in it… and listen to your deepest calls… and act from there…
Let go of knowing anything. Because really… you are small particle in a universe bigger than we could ever imagine, so what do we really know, hey?
Let go of perfection… you are imperfectly perfect just the way you are.
Let go of being ready… you will never be ready. So just start.
Let go of all the things you THINK are standing in your way… and allow everything to appear before you. And say thank you when you receive it. And if it isn’t how you wanted it to be… learn to get more clear about what you want and how you ask for it.
Do the work… Do this work… and your life will never be the same again.
I’m getting the feeling it’s time to open doors again to Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp. So… if you want to learn this… to go deep into this… if you want to support in standing fully in your truth and removing the blocks, the layers that are currently getting in your way from standing in your truest power… then apply today, by commenting below or sending a PM. Let’s play.
After 3 days of Kambo… this lesson… this knowing… is deeper than ever before and I’m excited to help you embody it too. Let’s create the space on all levels to help you bring your dreams into reality.
Original Date Written: March 19, 2018