You must learn to listen to the call of your soul and then SURRENDER…
Every so often… it shows up for me. And today, like a flash… it was here. Who am I to teach this stuff? I am still working towards all my dreams. Have I accomplished “enough”? You know… all those BS thoughts. Thankfully… my brain is getting used to shutting them down QUICKLY. And a moment later I was laughing at myself.
A moment later I remembered where I was a few years ago and what I have done in the past few years… more than many would dream of in a lifetime.
– Raise two gorgeous boys (now 5.5yo and 9yo) and my pride and joy… and the most important work I do every day. They are kind, conscious, light beings that already bring so much amazingness to this world.
– Get a certificate in Shamanic work and Transformational Mask. JUICY, LIFE CHANGING.
– When one boy was 2 and one was 5 (starting kindergarten)… i went back to college, full time to study a Diploma in Leadership and Creative Expression in Group training, whilst also starting my online coaching business, growing an amazing and engaged FB group and more… (Plus a hubby with a full time biz doing bodywork, from home. It was a CRAZY year. CRAZY.
– Ran my first multi-day workshops… and blew people’s minds… Literally. This stuff is just life-changing. No doubt about it. Every single time.
– Travelled for speaking gigs. Spoke two years in a row at the International Beauty Expo in Sydney on the magic of feng shui to create abundance in your biz and life.
– Been interviewed on more podcasts, etc than I can count.
– Create an incredible 12 week program that I’m so in love with called Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp… helping people to create their dreams too.
– Decide to pack up our house and travel overseas for 4 months with no idea what we would do upon return.
– Unplanned… decide while we are away to move from Sydney Australia to Denver, Colorado and create an entirely new life for ourselves… with absolutely no security in this massive leap… just FAITH that our heart’s were leading us down the aligned path.
– Discover a ketogenic lifestyle and fall in love with gymnastics based training… making my health and myself a priority like I never had before.
– Fall in love with ME.
– Shift our marriage from a falling apart, exhausting, place to be… to a relationship full of love, respect and admiration and getting better and more connected every day.
– I thought my travels would end when we got to Denver, but the reality is… I’m pretty much travelling every month.
– Just completed my first ever 10 day road trip, by myself where I drove thousands of miles and went through 6 states. and went deep into the depths of my soul…finding a deeper love for myself and the planet than I ever had before… than I ever imagined possible… It’s just the most amazing feeling.
– Honouring my desire to continue my shamanic exploration and working with plant/animal/spirit medicine… so that I can journey even further into the depths of my soul and stand even more fully in my truth. This is meaning a trip to Peru this year to sit ahayuasca ceremony in the jungle for 13 days. Yes… it just keeps going.
– Create new and incredible #soulsister relationships
This is only the beginning… this is the biggest bullet points… this doesn’t even begin to touch on everything that I have done, seen or wished and then made come true over the past few years.
AND… I know… as long as I am on this planet… I will continue to wish and dream and expand my growth and my vision to be bigger and more incredible… touching thousands and thousands of people around this globe. Being an advocate for healing our planet through healing ourselves… for saving the earth, the rain forests, the sacred medicine that comes from the earth that is being destroyed… Being an advocate for education to empower people around the globe to be their best. To help people discover their truth and show up as an expression of that. This and so much more.
And this is why I laughed. I have a very high standard for myself. I am a go-getter. When I set my mind to something… it happens. No questions asked. I don’t think I have ever not had a completely heart-based aligned dream not become my reality. I don’t stop till its done. And quite honestly… I know when I trust the process and let go… stuff can happen really fast.
This is what it takes to make your dreams your reality. And it doesn’t have to be hard. Because if it’s a heart based decision… it will be… if your soul is calling you to do it… and it’s aligned… of course it will be.
But you must learn to listen to the call of your soul and then SURRENDER. I can tell you… the hardest part of all of it… the surrender. Walking into the unknown, having NO IDEA what will happen or how everything will unfold, but knowing in every cell of your being it’s what you must do… and so you do.
And the other thing that is crucial to creating your dreams… is knowing… You don’t need to know HOW. OMG… I had NO idea how most of this would all work out. NONE… on a financial, physical, emotional, spiritual level… NO IDEA.
And there have been some seriously rocky moments over the past few years…uncertain where money for rent would come from… absolute emotional break downs… tears, laughter… feeling lost in new worlds, literally… feeling ALONE in a new city with new everything… Feeling lost and confused and no idea what I wanted to do with my life… I’ve been through the ringer on this journey, that’s for sure. I’ve also created more joy and love in my life than I ever could have dreamed of.
So… when the questions came to me that I shared above… I laughed because heck yes… Of course I have earned the right to teach this stuff… OF COURSE… I practice what I preach… OF COURSE… I’ve gone deep into the darkness to find the light… OF COURSE… I will continue to walk this path every day for the rest of my days… going deeper and deeper into the surrender, into trust, into my soul’s alignment… till the day I die.
So gorgeous one… if you are ready for your dreams to become your reality… ALL OF THEM… then you MUST be in this round of Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp. I’m calling in a small group of people who are ready to ROCK YOUR DREAMS.
If you have had enough of ONE DAY. If you are ready to do the INNER WORK you GET TO DO in order to show up and create your dreams…
If you are currently making at least $2000-$4000/month in your biz…
If you are ready to put your excuses to the side and show up as the person who makes their dreams a reality, no matter what…
If you are ready to have the incredible biz of your dreams AND the lifestyle to go along with it…
If you want amazing relationships and to feel so supported…
If you want health to be a priority WHILE you grow your empire and your dreams…
Then… PM me or comment below to apply to be part of the manifesting magic in Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp today.
Original Date Written: March 30, 2018