You don’t have time not to!
You watch me. Day in and out. LOVING my life. I live a life of fun, adventure, love, passion, creativity, flow, uncertainty, divinity, perfection, beauty, love, abundance, fulfillment, obsession, spirit, soul-alignment, love, playfulness, expression, fairy tale ever afters, kindness, compassion, love, sadness, emptiness, heaviness, loneliness, love, freedom, truth, trust, purpose, openness, oneness, contentedness, joy, bliss, love, did I mention love? Yes… my life is this and so much more. Every where I look.
Why? Because I decided for it to be this way and it gets to be this way. I only allow myself to do the things that absolutely completely and totally inspire me. If it doesn’t, then I don’t do it. No excuses. No questions asked.
And this life… is my work. In order for me to speak to and listen to my soul… in order for me to keep healthy, in order for me to connect with spirit and bring in these divine messages for you…. I MUST live my life in connection to soul. It’s an obsession of mine. For sure. Any way I can take my connection to soul deeper, to another level… I’m in. I’m ALL IN.
When I’m guided to do something… and my soul is fired up and all the signs are saying yes… I say yes. If everything is telling me to say no… I say no. I never question it. I just listen. I’ve learned enough times that when I don’t… I end up in not so ideal situations. Which is also perfect. But if I’m going to trust and have faith in source, in G-d, then it’s all in or nothing at all.
So I’m all in.
In saying this… in living this way… i’m always guided to expression, in one way, shape or form. Through dance, through music, through writing, through poetry, through painting, through crafting, through reading, through sex, through self-pleasure, through this and so much more. And through these avenues, I connect with myself, my soul, my own answers and to source… to all that is.
From this space… I’m connected to everything… to love, to light, to abundance, to juiciness… in this space… you are not alone. You are never alone.
So when people tell me they don’t have time to write, they don’t have time to express, they don’t have time to connect to themselves… I say… you don’t have time not to. When people tell me they don’t have the money… I say, find it. You want to go deeper… it takes a commitment on all levels. This is the work people! THIS IS THE WORK.
When you do this… you are so deeply guided on your path, that it’s ALWAYS PERFECT. Even the hardest fucking times… are perfect and you can often laugh your way through it. And when you are living in absolute alignment, all that you are dreaming and wishing for right now that has never come true… are still out there in your dreams… for YEARS… they happen so quickly.
Things happen so fast that you are always re-calibrating your dreams and visions, because… you are always making them your reality. Every day… waking up and realising that you are living your dream and that your dreams just keeps getting better and better.
I know so many of you out there are STUCK. You are WANTING this life. But, you are not fully committed. You aren’t. I see you. This may sting a little, but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t say my whole truth… You are not 100% committed. You think you are, but if you look bit deeper, you will realise, you aren’t. And that’s BRILLIANT… CELEBRATE THAT… cause now… you can take your faith deeper… take your connection deeper… fall deeper in love with you.
It’s your turn to take your connection to your soul… to source… to the deepest parts of you… to a whole new level.
If, even though you don’t want to admit, you know there is truth in what I am saying… and you are ready to leap INside… then PM me or comment below… join me on an epic adventure back home to you… to a life of alignment and soul based everything. You too can have this. It’s yours. Just DECIDE. And be willing to LEAP… have FAITH.
(By the way… you’ll never really be ready, right? So… just leap, now.)
See you on the INside. It’s fun in here.
*** Photo credit: The Photo Forest
Original Date Written: April 3, 2018