STOP MAKING EXCUSES for not being where you want to be… Instead, Create the Mindset that allows you to bring in your Dreams.
I’m so frickin excited with the new client who joined Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp today. I’ve been INTERNALLY working to call in completely “fuck yes” aligned clients ready to do the work… to step in and show up, even when it’s challenging… people I can be firm and loving with so that they can step into their deepest truth and shine…
So that they can look down the barrel of their life and be willing to MOVE THROUGH THE FEAR the BLOCKS, the CRAP standing in the way of creating their dreams.
This path is not for everyone. The truth is.. most don’t have the courage to walk this path. Or actually… you do… you just don’t choose to step into it. And because of that… you continue to block yourself from your dreams.
Today… this new client… I’m super excited to see where she goes and how she grows… I can see epic things for her life beginning to unfold and that lights me up and excites me.
I can already sense the depth of work that we can go… and I’m SUPER EXCITED to see who else shows up to join this group.
I have 2-3 more spots available to the people who are tired of looking around their life and not seeing the reality they want. This is for you if you are ready to DIVE DEEP and commit in time and finances to shifting your mindset and energy to vibrate high so that you magnetically attract all that you desire. With ease and flow.
This is for those of you who are ready to STOP MAKING EXCUSES for not being where you want to be… instead to Create the mindset that allows you to bring in your dreams.
THIS IS THE WORK. THIS IS WHAT WILL HAVE YOU CREATE EACH OF YOUR DREAMS. I’m not the kind of coach who thinks you should focus on business to the detriment of your life… but one that will help you have it all, because seriously… you can have it all. It’s yours, the moment you decide for it to be.
I have another keen person to join too, so grab your spot while you can. I’m super selective to who I bring into this incredible space for growth… and I only take on a few new people at a time so that I have the time and energy to get you started on this journey.
If you have been thinking of this… waiting for the right time to join me.. now is it. Comment below or PM me and apply today. This is going to be a mind-blowing 12 weeks ahead, literally. Of that I have no doubt. Bring on the magic…
OH yeah… and for those who want to know…
Manifesting Mindset bootcamp is a 12 week program with weekly content, weekly coaching calls, a FB Group, messenger access to me whenever you need (I respond when I’m available to do so).
I’m currently adding in my Feng Shui Made SImple training so you get access to that, so that you can shift your physical energy to raise your vibes. (This is ridiculously powerful)… and anyone who signs up this week… I’ll also give you a numerology report valued at $96. Another super bonus.
SO much juiciness… so much support to help you create your dreams… Let’s do this. I look forward to hearing from you before the spots are gone.
Original Date Written: April 17, 2018