By Published On: September 13th, 2018

A CRITICAL piece of success


This is a CRITICAL piece of success.

Whether you are looking for a coach, personal trainer, massage therapist, network marketing upline…

Think about exactly what you want to achieve and how you want to get there and find someone who can help you.

Let me give you some examples…

*** My hubby is one of the best myofascial therapists on the planet (I have seen many, trained with many and won’t go anywhere else)… if I ask him to give me a massage with oil and just flush everything out while relaxing on the table… he won’t do it. He was trained to, but he won’t.

So… I see other people for that.

*** Looking for personal trainers… I have seen multiple of them over the years too. I always chose depending on my goals, my reason for training with them. If you want to do a triathlon (Not me, I promise), then work with someone who trains for that. If you want to step on stage and compete in body shaping… then work with someone who does that.

KNOW WHY you are seeing the person and FIND the person… (or allow them to appear for you) and work with them.

*** I have worked with multiple business coaches over the years… Some I stopped working with because the way THEY were doing business didn’t align with me and when I suggested other ways of how I wanted to work and show up, they either told me it was a bad idea or wouldn’t or couldn’t guide me in that way… So I stopped working with them.

This is not to say that the work we did together wasn’t perfect for the time it was… it was just that they were no longer aligned.

The list goes on… for anyone you want to bring in on your support team.

YOU must be SUPER CLEAR on the direction you are heading and allow the right person for you to show up to support you in getting there.

If you are not clear… and you just go with the first person who shows up for you… then you may not be in 100% fuck yes alignment and gorgeous one… this makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

If you are on a negative slippery slope and you align with a personal trainer or who may be good at what they do, but is also in a negative mind space… you will end up bitching and moaning the whole session and whilst you may have trained… you also stayed stuck in your negative energy.

Trust me… this is not ideal.

Same with a business/life coach/mentor… and everything else…

I see so many people not succeed on their path because they are aligned with people who keep them STUCK IN THEIR PROBLEM. UGH.

Ask my clients and friends… I WILL NOT JUMP INTO A PITY PIT WITH YOU. I will kick your butt in a loving way to get you OUT OF IT. It will not always be easy, but I will tell you the truth and that’s what most people will NOT do.

Most people will want you to like them so they will allow you to WALLOW in your shit. UGH.

The truth hurts sometimes.

AND… it’s what will set you free.

If you are looking for a coach, pay attention to a few people… watch them and see how they show up.. if you align to their truth, their message and how they do business and life… (You don’t have to love the same things, but maybe you will)… then reach out and work with them.

Don’t question it.

Some biz coaches will teach a more automated approach, some will teach a more “sleezy” approach, some will tell you that you have to hang out in FB groups until you are blue in the face and totally burned out, some will tell you that you get to be the leader of your destiny and create magic by being you (oh yeah… that one’s me )

You get to pick what you ALIGN WITH.

When you have someone to mentor and guide you, it often means… you can leap before you are ready.

It’s an investment… To get mentors in whatever area of life you are wanting to improve. And you have to be willing to put in the time and effort.

You must be at a place that there is NO OTHER WAY.

I see… so many people FREAK OUT about paying for “services”…

Claiming they don’t have the money, the time, the energy…

I say… you don’t have the time NOT TO.

Working with the right mentor (which is always the one you pick) no matter what happens… will accelerate your growth infinitely. It’s why you pay them to help you fast track wherever you are going.

AND… IF… ONLY IF… YOU ABSOLUTELY 100% BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND BACK YOURSELF… then you would believe that whatever time and energy you put into working with this person… will come back to you TEN FOLD.

It may not happen right away. But you MUST BELIEVE THAT IT WILL HAPPEN.

That is abundance thinking.


It’s something I am constantly saying to myself. Even when I spend money at the supermarket or on bills… EVERYTHING I SPEND COMES BACK TO ME TENFOLD.

Really consider that saying.

ABUNDANCE is everywhere.


If you are currently open to having a mentor in your life or biz… or any other area for that matter…

Consider this:

1. What do I want to achieve?

2. Who can help me achieve that?

3. Do they have a high vibe energy?

4. Are they themselves willing to do what it takes?

5. Do they have knowledge and experience and tools that will help me on the way? Are they willing to share those tools with me to be the best i can be?

6. When I check in with my body/heart/soul… is everything saying YES?

If you are getting a FULL BODY YES… then LEAP. DO THE THING. EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU AREN’T READY… even if you THINK… you Don’t have the money or time.




Believe in yourself and your intuition to guide you to the right places. and believe that the world is always conspiring FOR you.

And you can propel yourself forward in ways that you probably have never dreamed of.

***NOTE*** Sometimes these people show up and within minutes… YOU SAY YES.

My current coach… I saw a FB post one day about her super offer… and I jumped on a call with her, within about 2 hours.

I don’t know how it’s possible, as she posts, most days… but this was one of the first posts I had seen of heres and we had been “friends” for months.

The truth is… I had NO IDEA who she was or what she was up to in the world.

I spoke to a couple friends of mine that know her… and they highly recommended her…

And within hours… I had paid the money to sign up for the biggest investment I had made in my coaching business.

It’s been an AMAZING decision. And she is EVERYTHING I was calling in.

Sometimes… these people show up and you just KNOW.

And sometimes… they have been in front of you for months, but you have been too scared to say YES TO YOU.

What I do know… having an incredible mentor to guide you on your path and if you ask me… help you stand in the truth of who you are and create an EXTRAORDINARY life and biz from there… It’s PRICELESS.

You will ALWAYS find the time, money and energy to do what is important to you.

So figure out… what’s important to you and who you want to be in that space… and find someone to help you get there.

And of course… if you want my help… If you want to have an extraordinary soul aligned life and business…

If you are tired of putting off your dreams… if you watch me living mine and say… I WANT THAT TOO (whatever the dream is for YOU)… then stop putting it off.

Stop living in fear and say YES to your soul’s call.

Comment below or PM me… LIMITLESS.

We’ll set up a time to connect and see if we are a 100% aligned fit to work together. YES… I do turn people away. Because… if it’s not 100% aligned… I don’t want you to waste your money or either of our time and energy.

With so much love…




Original Date Written: June 27, 2018

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