By Published On: September 13th, 2018



I wrote a very vulnerable and triggering post about my story and money mindset yesterday. (Check it out below).

And I was receiving comments that in the past would have MASSIVELY triggered me, hence why I wasn’t ready to share my story.

And whilst I’m not “triggered”… I want to be super clear on something as I don’t want my fear to become the reality…

One of the reasons I never share anything about my background is because I have been afraid you will think differently of me.

*** I am afraid… You will put me into that class of people that are rich and snobby and cut throat, power tripping etc… Whether that class and story is true or not… I’m afraid you will lump me there and think “less” of me.

*** I’m afraid… You will ASSUME I am given everything.

*** I’m afraid… You will ASSUME I don’t have to work hard.

*** I’m afraid…. You will ASSUME that I don’t have my own fair share of mindset stuff to overcome.

*** I’m afraid… You will think that by some gift of G-d, I’m less human than you.

I posted a pic of my first car the other day…

Someone assumed it was new. And implied I didn’t have to “earn it”.

FAR from the truth. I paid $4000 for that car. And whilst I was still blessed that my parents took care of the rest and we got a ridiculously good deal (benefits of family owning multiple car dealerships)… I had to put a substantial amount of money into that car at 16 years old.

Probably more than many paid for their first car, no matter what the shape it came in.

Whilst I am blessed with incredible trips with my family and things like that…

We (my hubby and I) still wake up every day and go to work and pay our bills.

We still buy our clothes, put a roof over our head, get food into our mouths, etc…

We still do the things to “earn” money.

I always have.

I started babysitting when I was probably 11 years old. I worked quite a bit.

I started working with my Mom at age 14 at her gourmet food store, spending many afternoons after school and weekends working… whilst also babysitting, going to school, doing sport, having a social life…

I worked my way through college…

I have always worked.

Not only that… I moved to Australia with a few thousand dollars in savings and studied, worked part time and know what it’s like to not be sure where rent will come from.

I have had to write out budgets, cut things from life, and get slim in what I am able to do because we are on a very tight budget.

I get it. I really do. As I said in the post yesterday… I grew up in wealth, but moved to Australia and learned to live a different life altogether.

I know it is the journey I had to walk so that I could bring awareness to what I was born into and to become intentional in breaking down all that I knew unconsciously so that I could teach it to the world.


I have learned to deliberately create my life.

About 12 years ago, people started to say to me…

“Keri you are AMAZING at manifesting… how do you do it?”

I didn’t know. I just did it.

So I made it my mission to breakdown what I was doing and be able to consciously do it at the snap of my fingers.

At the time, I had no idea I would end up teaching this profound and life changing information.

And… it’s in coming home and especially at my gram’s funeral this year that it really sunk in… how much of this I just was born into thinking without knowing it.

I was drilled with success principles growing up. As I do with my kids.

I wasn’t taught lack and limitation.

I was taught to work hard, put my heart into everything and I can have an incredible, abundant life.

So… it doesn’t matter what I do, I KNOW that I can manifest everything I desire and what I think about will eventually be mine.


I fear that you will think that because of my family being wealthy… I somehow didn’t work as hard as you to create my empire.

BECAUSE HOLY MOLY… There is a F-TON of blood, sweat, and tears thrown into this empire I am expanding.

I didn’t get here by only sitting on my ass hoping and praying that one day I would have an incredible tribe of people who follow me and read my every word… that I get to change people’s lives every day and that my tribe grows daily allowing me to reach more and more lives and help LIGHT UP THE WORLD.

Lighting up the world is who I have ALWAYS been…

Learning marketing, websites, copywriting, being an incredible coach, helping you do soul work that transforms your life in ways you can’t even imagine right now…

Far out… even WRITING… YES… you all tell me I am an amazing writer, but in high school I was actually in a WRITING PROGRAM because I was “behind” and needed help to improve my writing skills. BTW… I still suck at “technical” punctuation, run-on sentences… you know… technical grammar. (It drives my Mom crazy to ready these posts because of my “grammar”).

Learning these things and so much more more…is because I’m f-ing dedicated to my purpose on this planet and I do EVERYTHING it takes to create the success I desire… and have absolutely “EARNED”.

I didn’t work with my husband to get our website ranked for many of the top spots on Google and be the top Australian supplement website distributing some American products, making us money while we slept… (And no.. that had nothing to do with an MLM company) simply because I come from wealth.

F$ck no!

It was because I am CONTINUOUSLY studying and applying what I learn to be able to have the skills to create my every dream.

It’s because I LOVE MY WORK and I work “hard” even though it doesn’t feel “hard” because I simply LOVE what I do!

So please… just because I sit here and share that I come from immense success… don’t let that have you thinking I am less human than anyone else. And that I haven’t gotten the bumps and bruises and banged into my fair share of walls that needed to get bulldozered on this wild ride of life and entrepreneurialism.

It simply means… that I get both sides to this coin.

And that I can help you move from one side to the other because I see right through your lack. I smell it a mile away and won’t jump into that pity pit with you. I will ask you to continuously step up because I guarantee I can see more for you and what you can achieve than you can see for yourself.

Right- o… I think that’s enough vulnerability for today…

If you want to know about living a LIMITLESS LIFE… I am running a FREE 5 day masterclass on it in my FB Group, Business Manifestors Club next week… Still finalising details of that.. but just comment below… “I’m IN!” and I’ll be sure to send you details.

Trust me… you won’t want to miss this… this content has helped multiple people create over $21,000 in 5 days… it has gotten new clients, manifested delicious brunches, spots on retreats…

It’s POWERFUL and I know people who charge over $1000 for this content, so do yourself a favour and get in to win!

PPS- If you want to see the post about “The bubble of wealth” that I was talking earlier… you can check it out here…



Original Date Written: July 19, 2018

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