By Published On: September 13th, 2018



Over the past couple days, I have been revealing all kinds of money stuff around wealth…

And a couple times people have asked questions in regards to my money stuff… because YES… I have it.

I said it in both messages… I am human AF.

So let me share some money mindset blocks that have come up for me as I walk my own path to LIMITLESS.


In your world… You are likely fearing not having enough money… how will I pay the next bill… What will I retire on? Etc… Fairly “normal” fears that I hear about regularly.

Maybe you have heard about breaking through glass ceilings you place on yourself… thinking there is a barrier to your success in creating your LIMITLESS life…

Whether you have heard of it or not, they exist…

A number that you are ok to make or receive but you struggle to move past it. Maybe it’s $40,000 a year, maybe $80,000, maybe $250,000… but there is a number.


The other thing there is… there is an INVISIBLE “BOTTOM”… a lifestyle you are not willing to go below. That for you feels completely unsafe or terrible.

I have some friends that are willing to invest so much or take so much risk that they are happy to live out of a car. Their bottom is needing very little money to survive. They are ok in “survival mode”.

I have laughed with friends this year in the realisation that my bottom… where I FREAK OUT about not having money is WAY HIGHER than them.

For me… living out of a car is simply not an option.

For me, my glass ceiling is naturally higher than most in what I am willing to receive and HOW I’m willing to receive it.

Many people limit themselves to the HOW… it MUST be through HARD work and their job or business. (see my post earlier today about “hard work”)

 Let me share one of my favourite manifestation stories so that you can see other ways to create your dreams than through “hard work”…

I wanted a new fridge and a thermomix. (If you don’t know what that is… ask me and if you don’t have one… be prepared to want to buy it once you hear about it. And… No… I don’t sell them, just a MASSIVE fan. )

Anyway… I wanted the upgrades. I didn’t have the money at the time, but I booked the thermomix party and BEFORE seeing the thing in action… before really knowing the absolute incredibleness of the product… I knew it was mine and I told the consultant I would be buying one, before she even arrived, so she had to bring the paperwork.

***Side note… This piece above is a CRUCIAL piece to manifestation…. ACTING AS IF… If you don’t know about this or want clarity… I’m running a training next week that will go deep into this piece. It’s free, so let me know you want to get in on it by commenting below I’m in! ***

So… In between booking the party and buying my thermie… I had referred a client of mine to another coach who was the absolute right next step for her in the growth in her business she was after.

I had NO IDEA I would get a referral commission for doing so… so when I got a message stating that I was receiving US$6000 for the referral… I was in shock… and of course… I wasn’t… because there was the money AND MORE… to buy both my fridge and Thermomix.

Money comes from wherever it is. You just have to be willing to be open to receiving it.

AND… it’s highly likely that you LIMIT yourself in how you receive your money, your abundance… your ability to create your dreams.

So… back to the point…

For me… one of my greatest fears has been not having money… because I LOSE IT ALL.

As you are likely to know… when people win the lottery… most of them end up with nothing, or even bankrupt because they have not done the work in WORTH around the ability to RECEIVE that money… so they throw it away.

Same goes for many trust fund kids.

So my biggest fear has always been… what if I don’t honour the money I receive and I throw it all away and end up with NOTHING. When… my rock bottom is high… I don’t want to be in a car and I have a certain lifestyle that I am accustomed to.

What if at some point in time I can’t afford to live the way I chose to live?

What if I fuck it all up?

The “burden” for me has been in carrying on my grandparent’s legacy… for a long time it felt like a heavy weight and like I was going to F#ck it up…to want to honour them and live by THEIR standards… and do what THEY WOULD HAVE WANTED ME TO DO. Yup… I got to shift that and thankfully… I have.

So while it left me with my own demons to overcome… it’s different demons and mindset issues to many of you… but yes… they exist and I have done TONS of work to overcome them this year.

So not only have I done the energetic and mindset work… I have an incredible financial planner who helps me make smart choices and manage my money so that it continues to grow and work for me. I have looked at these fears and chosen a new way… a different way and committed to growth and expansion on all levels.



Money block #2 reveal will be up tomorrow. It’s juicy and will pertain to you in some way too.

Remember… if you want to get in on the free training I’m running to help you become LIMITLESS… Comment below… “I’m in!” and I’ll get you the details.



Original Date Written: July 20, 2018

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