By Published On: September 13th, 2018



So are you wondering…what the heck am I talking bout?

Soul retrieval is a part of shamanic healing work. To be put simply… at some point in time in order to save itself from being “corrupted” a part of the soul fractures off and in soul retrieval… it’s a process of journeying to retrieve the part of the soul that has disconnected.

This process helps to bring you into wholeness.


So… about 3 months ago, I started one of the most intense and life transformational journeys with a shamanic practitioner near me in Denver, @andrea.

In order to do soul retrieval… we have had to do a ton of work to get me ready to be able to bring back this piece of my soul.

So last week, when @andrea told me I was ready for soul retrieval… i was super excited as I have been looking forward to be held in this experience for many years.

We literally worked together for 5 hours today, straight, as we went on this journey.

It was some of the most deep and profound work I have ever done.

Well… actually this whole experience leading up to it has been deeply transformational… and today… literally blew me away.

We went in deep and removed old stories from the deepest places in my soul and then had the chance to hear myself in the deepest places as to my next steps for healing and the new stories to be created.

I know that today will be a day in time that shifts the trajectory of my life forever.

This day… is literally a new beginning.

And I am still deeply sitting with the unfolding with today… in awe of the experience… in awe of the messages… the pages and pages of messages received… in awe of my ability to sit in the uncomfort and do the work… in awe of my ability to trust the process and shift before my very own eyes.

There are many ways to heal your soul… to become whole… to shift your beliefs.

I have done many of them… and I am drawn time and time again to shamanic work and the more and more I dive into it… the more and more I dive into myself… into my soul… into my own knowingness… and into peace and love.

I don’t know what will happen from here, but I know it will be way more fun, playful, joyous and full of deep love for myself and others than it has been.

And not just the kind that is lip service… but the kind that comes from the depths of my soul, because I healed the part of me that was so wounded and hurt that even when I THOUGHT I was being those things… I was doing so from a wounded place full of pain.

And the freedom in my heart and soul already… the peace within… the shifts that I sense already… are so beautiful and amazing to feel.

Each day is a new adventure filled with playfulness, curiosity and joy… and the more that I look at life with new eyes… and really question all my rules and conditions… being willing to let them all go until there is nothing left… literally… nothing… until I am stripped bare… the more free I feel. The more LIMITLESS life becomes.

In this entrepreneurial world… We talk about freedom often… And in that… so often, freedom is placed outside of us… if we have the money and the time… we can do what we want and we will be free.

But what if freedom lives inside of you… and when you tap into the sense of freedom that you can have every single moment of your life, no matter what is physically happening in your life… you create more freedom on the physical level… you attract in all that you desire… because you break free of the restrictions you place on yourself?

It’s YOU.



YOU take away your freedom.

What if you just start to break your own rules and allow yourself to soar?

What if you could find that freedom within? What would life look and feel like then?

It becomes truly LIMITLESS.

Today… it feels like I have a whole new lease on life and that the world is truly my slab of clay ready for me to mould.

I feel so blessed to be so incredibly supported on my journey of life. I’m so grateful I choose not to do this alone. I am so grateful that I have called in the most incredible people to support me in clearing the path to achieve my dreams.

Today… i just feel so content, at peace and free.

How bout you? Do you feel free within yourself or do you feel trapped in your own soul and mind?

Do you want to feel LIMITLESS?

It starts with you… choosing this path… choosing to strip yourself bare so that you too can feel free.

Are you ready…PM me… let’s play. Your life will never ever be the same. 




Original Date Written: July 29, 2018

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