With medicines for depression and anxiety at a high…
the world is more and more shutting down…
is numbing out…
And making sadness a “disease”…
A problem so bad that you will have to be on medication for LIFE…
because you are simply HUMAN.
Now… before you all jump down my throat saying that depression is a chemical imbalance and needs to be treated with drugs.
Yes… I know.
But what constitutes depression?
And is everyone on these medications really ‘clinically’ depressed?
OR… are these medications the western way around… looking within.
You see…
If you want to feel JOY, you must feel PAIN.
In order to feel PEACE, you must feel UNREST, ANXIETY…
We are polars in everything.
We are in this human form to FEEL.
I’m not here to talk bad about depression. Quite the opposite.
I promise… I have seen the bottom… depression has swallowed me in… I wrote the suicide notes. Been there done that.
I made a choice… to climb out.
Every day… look deeper within and stand in the truth of WHO I AM so that I LOVE me.
When you have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to hide from others, but more importantly… yourself…
When you dare to look within and LOVE YOU…
It’s easier to find happiness within…
WE ALL HAVE SAD, SHITTY, STRESSFUL days… where the world feels like it’s crumbling on top of you.
And it can be hard.
Nothing will take that away.
And that’s kind of the point here…
It’s not about whether or not you are depressed, happy, excited, anxious, scared as fuck…
It’s that you know how to look within…
And be kind to yourself as you ride this wild ride of life.
AND… stop beating yourself up for being sad.
Stop thinking that even as you “climb the ladder in life”… getting more and more of your dreams…
that all of a sudden you become LESS HUMAN.
You don’t.
I can promise you that.
If you ask me…
One of the most important investments you can make in yourself… is to learn to navigate the emotions of life.
But by running INTO them.
By leaning into the discomfort.
By leaning into your fear, your anxiety, your stress…
When I get anxious now…
the only way I can release it or move through it is to sit with it…
To revel in it…
to know it
to speak to it
to let it speak to me.
It’s in this deep introspection that I know why anxiety came to sit with me…
i get my lesson and can move THROUGH it.
Not run AWAY from it.
And in that…
comes the peace.
Comes the surrender.
Comes the graciousness of love.
So hey… you can continue to RUNAWAY from yourself… or you can choose to look within.
It’s up to you.
But the only way to move up… to create YOUR Limitless life…
What are you gonna do?
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You know what you want to do… Listen to your soul and say yes. Be in touch now.
Original Date Written: September 5, 2018