By Published On: September 23rd, 2018


Soon after my grandma died, early this year… I was talking to my mom about some of the stories of my gram’s life… revelling in what an incredible life she led…the people she met, the experiences she had…

And as we were talking about her meeting JFK, Obama and I’ve since found out… Margaret Thatcher, Frank Sinatra. other presidents and so many other incredible people in the thread of this planet… Powerful players… leaders… that left a massive imprint on this planet…

I said… Mom… What would it have been like to meet those people? How do you even do that?

And she said… ‘Keri… You just do it.’

And I know she gets this, because she too has been in the presence of, had dinner with, many incredible and successful people, leaders in the world. Really… as have I.

And she said this whilst also talking about her raising millions of dollars in a year for children’s medical research… which meant doing things and meeting with leaders that would have stretched her.

But she just got on with it… and broke records of money raised and did the things.

And that phrase,

It rings in my mind, every time I feel afraid.

Every time I am called to step into places that scare the crap out of me…

Whether it’s leaders of the free world or doing that thing on your list that may be such a ‘small” task but feels like a monumental boulder…

You just do it.

And the thing that I love about the energy behind this statement…

So much of what my family has done for this world is through their philanthropic work.

You just do it.

You just get out of your own way to help make the world a better place.

It doesn’t matter what it is, who the person you have to speak to is… the terrifying task on your to do list is…


Knowing… ALL OF US are capable of leaving a beautiful imprint on this planet… making it a better place than it was when we arrived.

Maybe this too will help you.

Take a deep breath and… as Nike and my mother would say… ‘Just do it’.

It’s time to JUST DO IT.

12 weeks of getting my support… day in and out… to help you create YOUR limitless Life.

Helping you breakthrough your limitations in mindset and energy blocks…

We start 24 September.
All you last minute players… the time is now. 

Your life will transform, assuming you show up and do the work.

This is YOUR LIFE. Make it Extraordinary. It’s your choice. Always.

Just do it!



Original Date Written: September 22, 2018

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