Ibiza I am ready for what you’ve got for me.
Ibiza… 2 more sleeps plus 40odd hours of travel later… I will be with you.
I’m so excited to put my body in your crystal clear waters and feel your sand beneath my feet, squidging in my toes.
I’m excited to sit in the embrace of gorgeous women.
I’m excited to move with ease through the day… gently, rhythmically… honouring me.
The road to get to you has not been easy.
Getting flights was only the beginning of one travel headache after another.
A new passport, emergency ordered, and an international drivers license that I picked up today.
TSA precheck all sorted. Finally. I spend enough time in airports to not stand in those ridiculous lines. #ihatelines #dontstandinlines #gotothefrontoftheline
Rental car and accommodation booked.
Saying yes to this created such an opening for me. I have worked a lot to make this trip happen.
No matter how many hoops the universe gave me to jump through to get there… I jumped through.
I know in every part of my soul that this is a week I will always look back on as a pivotal part of the transformation in my life.
I have no idea what we are doing.
Except I am bringing incredible yoni eggs with me, so I’m ridiculously excited to embrace that practice.
I have traveled the world but I have NEVER gone out of the country where I wasn’t meeting someone , even if it was a guide, to take me where I had to go.
On Friday, I get off the plane in a foreign country.
And get to navigate getting a car and finding my way in a foreign language to a hotel somewhere on the other side of the island.
Yeah… this trip is asking a lot of me.
It has asked me to spend a substantial amount of money on myself and not include my family and that has been a big piece of my upleveling.
It has asked me to leave my kids with my hubby again this year. Bless Hugh for never stopping me from following my heart.
Saying yes to seats with extra legroom and of course manifesting upgrades.
Saying yes to rooms with a sea view, not the ground floor with a wall.
I keep stepping into this.
I know the reward will be great.
And yet… I have no expectations.
Only an open heart and open mind
To explore the beauty of the land and what healing she offers me…
And to explore myself in her reflection…
And In the reflection of the other women that join in circle.
It’s some of the deepest work, with perfect strangers and it’s profound.
And everything always works out perfectly cause life works for me.
2 more beautiful sleeps at home with my family before I embark on my 40th birthday trip for myself.
My passage into 40 and sexier, juicier, stronger, more powerful, goddess like… and all around amazing then ever before.
I’m so ready for you.
As of today… Ibiza I am ready for what you’ve got for me.
Night night!