By Published On: January 22nd, 2019


I believe that as humans, when we have pain, dis-EASE, things not functioning at optimal health in our bodies…


It’s our body communicating with us.

There is SOMETHING for you to hear.

AND/OR… there is some DIS-EASE somewhere in your physical, energetic, spiritual field that you need to remove, which can be done a TON of ways with a TON of different kind of healing modalities.

Yesterday… I woke up coughing with a tickle and soreness in my throat.

It’s gotten deeper and quite restricting in my chest.

I knew when it came on yesterday… there was something for me to hear.

This morning… I intuitively checked in and asked… what does my body need right now and immediately… MY DRUM.

My drum has the most incredible vibrations when I play it.

Also… whenever I use my drum, one of my native American guides shows up. She is so beautiful and wise.

So… I allowed the vibrations of the drum to vibrate through my chest and help break up the stuckness. I spoke to White Feather on my journey with my drum.

Part of this is another layer of me coming back into my body.

After surgery… I fully left my body. No where to be seen. My soul wanted NOTHING to do with the pain I was in. GONE. EMPTY SHELL. You can ask my hubby. He may not use these words, but he would definitely agree.

It’s taken time for me to call my soul back in as the pain in my body as decreased.

Whilst I am still in pain at some level every day and whenever I move… it’s not intolerable. I simply surrender in knowing this is the path and there is no point in trying to force anything.

So today… I’m being guided to slow down again… Take LONG DEEP BREATHS.


I have struggled to DEEPLY BREATHE since surgery…

There is so much fascia bound up around my ribs and diaphragm from years of so much weight on them and now from where I have been cut open and torn apart. It’s restricting the movement in my rib cage and making it challenging to expand it to breathe.

I have wondered for awhile… kind of thinking… has it been this way for YEARS… but it didn’t feel so restricted because I simply couldn’t do anything more.

With the weight gone… i can… and I want to. So… body is asking me to focus on this breath today.

The expansion.

There was more to the journey, but it’s not relevant here… but the messages were strong.

I also know that we are in a SUPER POWERFUL astrological time energetically for CLEARING… releasing… letting go of that which doesn’t serve you. So that can show up in the physical, of course.

So I surrender to the release.

I know what I GET TO DO in order to release this cough and pain.

When you say that you are SICK… it’s dis-empowering. And for so many it means turning to some drug where it will mask the symptoms, but not “heal” you.

In doing this… the body will keep speaking to you… UNTIL YOU LISTEN.

For me… It’s been about 2 years since I have had anything like this show up. And I know… it will pass soon.

So… the fact that it’s here means… I have some inner work to do.

I am drinking my herbs, taking homeopathics, having fire cider to kill anything off inside, being super mindful of what I eat in that it will help with the healing not hinder… ie: No sugar, staying away from dairy, etc… I’ll be breathing and meditating today… in between working.

I’d love to hear… what are ways that you pay attention when your body speaks to you?

OR… is this something new for you to REMEMBER.

Let me know in the comments below.

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