I am in AWE of this QUANTUM HEALING work

By Published On: April 16th, 2019

I am in AWE of this QUANTUM HEALING work.

As part of our certification we have to do 5 practice sessions with other peeps that did the training as well.

To anyone reading this who has done certifications where you learn to take healing/energy/mindset tools and work with other people over a short period of time knows… after awhile, you tend to go through so many processes you start working on ‘problems’ that whilst they exist, don’t feel as ‘real’ as you are in a safe container/time bubble mostly removed from the day to day world for that time.

And in Costa Rica, whilst the shifts were literally out of this world and amazing, transformational and life changing… to start doing them on zoom, and FEEL the energy shifting through the computer… and be working on shit that has come up since getting home… it’s taking my level of belief and confidence and AWE for these tools to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.

The thing about this work… It’s not about me.

It’s about the quantum field. I’m simply the person who taps into that and helps you move through your energetic blocks that are stopping you from moving forward in life.

The call I just had with one of the women in my group will forever change both our lives.

NO DOUBT about it.

The more I do this… the more humbled I am by the work… the more grateful I am for Regan and Juan for diving into this themselves and doing what they needed to do in order to bring this work to the world… and the more grateful I am for the incredible soul family that was created and has so much love for each other.

AMAZING people coming together to heal the world and light it up.

It really is MAGIC.

I have been doing energy work in more ways than I can count for about 14 years (learning and receiving)… and this takes it all next level. The activations and clearings that happen… BOOM!

Playing in the quantum field is totally AMAZING and beyond the beyond.

BLISSED OUT… AGAIN and just sitting here in a moment of absolute bliss and gratitude.

PS- If you want to have me doing this work with you and clearing you multiple times a week… then be in touch. You want to be a part of “The Accelerator’.

Clients that come in and work with me at that level will have me tapping in and clearing the energy field regularly, because hey… it works that way too. You don’t even have to be there and I can be activating and clearing for you, with your permission of course.

That said… we will also have calls where we speak and I help you clear whatever is not serving you at that time.

The more and more we clear and activate… the faster and faster you accelerate. So this is for you if you are ready to step up next level and sick and tired of feeling stuck, no matter where you are at in life in biz.

Comment below ACCELERATOR or PM me and we’ll start the application process.

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