By Published On: April 20th, 2019

– Where do most wars stem from? POWER… control… expansion…ie: MONEY — LAND = MONEY

– Where do most fights in marriages stem from? Money.

People fight because they are stressed there isn’t enough money.

People fight because there is an imbalance of ‘power’ due to who makes the most money or who has to depend on the other for money or who controls the money…

How many women who become mothers end up feeling under valued because they are no longer producing INCOME but instead doing the most important job of raising their child? And eventually this effects them and the way they make decisions and live their life. Not usually in a positive way.

– Where does your biggest stress come from most days? Not having enough money to do what you desire in life. No matter how much you are making, since as your income grows so do your expenses for many people.

And… here’s the reality… if you were happy to and willing to live on the streets… you wouldn’t be stressed about whether or not you are making enough money at all, because you would be ok with the consequence of not having any.

But OF COURSE… you don’t WANT to live on the streets.

And in this day and age… we don’t have the life that allows us to barter everything. You need money to live in a home and eat food that keeps you healthy.

— You need money to travel and take adventures that you want to do.

— You need money to be supported in having optimal health, by eating high quality, high vibe foods… having high vibe supplements and seeing incredible wholistic health practitioners, get massages, energy treatments, etc… You know… Be supported to do the things that will having you FEELING HIGH VIBE from the inside.

— You need money to raise your kids and give them everything they desire… ie: sporting teams, bikes, music lessons, art lessons, etc…

— And all you spiritual souls who tell me you don’t want fancy things in your homes, etc… Are you kidding me? Are you telling me that down deep you don’t dream of a crystal cave to live in? Natural fibres that feel amazing and high vibe filling your home… High vibe sacred geometry or tribal, etc artwork on your walls? AND MORE… You know what… That costs a lot of money.

— And hey… who here doesn’t LOVE to learn and grow and be supported to do so? Oh yeah… that takes… you guessed it… MONEY.

You starting to see where I am going here.

You can deny this for every day for the rest of your life… You can say…

You don’t care about money.

That you are not doing your work for money.

That money doesn’t matter.

That money doesn’t drive you.

But I can just about guarantee… you don’t have enough money to do what you DEEPLY want to do in your life.

So yeah.. there it is again. OF COURSE… it comes back to MONEY.

Now… I DO NOT by any means believe that just because you have money all your problems go away and you all of a sudden find some mecca of happiness.


There are plenty of miserable people with money.

There are plenty of people with millions of dollars who still fight over money and have terrible health.

But… I can definitely say… the stress around whether or not you have enough to live your dreams… that is a current stream of anxiety flowing through you… doesn’t exist when you have an abundant supply of it.

AND… when the stuff comes up… health issues, education, travel, etc… and you have money behind you to deal with it… What may be a massive stress and freak out for you… is not even a moment of worry for those with the money to cover the surprises, expenses and dreams.

Trust me when I say… that makes a MASSIVE difference in life.

Here’s the other thing I totally get…

It’s about purpose.

I know.

You are here for a purpose and ultimately… you love what you do so much you would do it for free. SO WOULD I.

But… I WON’T…

Because… money is simply an energetic exchange.

I don’t trade gold, silver, cacao nibs, food, etc (like in the olden days)… I exchange my services… my energy for money… a way of ‘keeping score’ on the energetic exchange.


You deserve it.

I deserve it.

We ALL deserve to create the life of our dreams doing our soul’s purpose work… and living a life of complete and full alignment.

AND… we ALL deserve to be rewarded abundantly.

It may not be from the service work… Maybe it’s from something altogether different.

LET GO OF NEEDING TO KNOW HOW you will be looked after… and simply show up and do your purpose work in the world and money will come…



If you STOP pushing it away and begin to WELCOME IT IN.

At whatever level you are playing at. Whether you are a six-figure earner wanting to go to your next phase of growth… or whether you are making less and want to hit your next phase of growth…

You MUST be willing to clear your energetic field, your mindset around the lack and limitation you carry with you as you live and breathe your money story.

If you are ready to finally clear these stories… your stale energy and limiting mindset around how you show up for money… and consequently… accelerate your life and biz…

Then you absolutely MUST join me for ’THE QUANTUM ACCELERATOR”.

We will begin to clear your channel from the energy no longer serving you and help you open up to receiving abundance on all levels.

This group doesn’t start til 20 May but #ofcourse… you are here NOW and so we being NOW. No need to wait… SO assuming you jump in NOW you get an extra month of 1 on 1 access to me. That is such huge value.

In this incredible container, you will receive one-on-one sessions with me to do QUANTUM CLEARING work…

You have full access to me on messenger to connect with so that you are never left stuck. I’m here to help you when stuff comes up to help you shift into a more helpful state to move forward.

And there is an amazing group container being formed so that you are not alone as you literally blow out your current paradigms and re-discover how you are going to show up in life in your new reality. This is so massive to help in your success.

AND because of that… it’s CRUCIAL that the right people are in this container and that is why there is an application process.

Honestly… for the QUANTUM CLEARS ALONE… it’s worth the value of this experience.

Simply… saying yes to this… and showing up fully… your life will never be the same again in the most epic way.

If you are ready to sky-rocket yourself to the next phase in life… And do so way faster than you are currently imagining possible… THIS IS FOR YOU.

Comment QUANTUM ACCELERATOR below and I’ll be in touch…

Bring on the magic… the money… and all your dreams becoming your reality!

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