By Published On: April 1st, 2020

Maybe you have heard the definition of insanity… ‘Doing something over and over again and expecting a different result’. If we play that game… we get the same results and nothing changes. Right?

So…to make changes… real lasting changes… everything gets to crumble around what is not working for you and you get to re-build in a new way of doing things and getting different results.

Seems simple enough, hey?

If it was simple, everyone would be doing it and everyone would get the results they are looking for. For some… it really is as simple as making a new decision and acting on it. For others… it can be really easy to be drawn back into old patterns and ways of showing up and then beating ourselves up when what we want isn’t manifesting.

This death… this letting go of what is no longer serving you and walking into the unknown is where deep, lasting transformation occurs. It’s not usually comfortable and many people run when the going gets tough.

It also usually takes a lot of inner strength and fortitude to walk this path, which we are ALL being called into right now.

Right now… in the world… everything is crumbling, we are coming into the inner silence that gets to happen to re-birth anew. It’s a super exciting time, as a species, to be alive.

We have an opportunity to surrender into the death… surrender into the collapse… and let the structures and systems that are not working for us on this planet crumble.

We are in a time that instead of fighting… we can come together in unison towards a common goal and LOVE. We can bring PEACE to this planet and isn’t that what we all so deeply desire… Love and Peace and Purpose?

That said… if we all retreat to our homes and don’t change our way of thinking and showing up in the world… has anything changed? Has this entire shutdown, the death, created the transformation that is 100% possible right now?

Are we going to be the humans we want to be that desire transformation and are willing to make the changes that we get to make to come out the other side of this with transformation around the world? Or will we retreat and come out, doing the same things and being ‘insane’?

We have the most amazing opportunity right now to create deep and lasting change GLOBALLY.

There are many conspiracy theories flying around right now. In my opinion, there is WAY MORE to this than a virus, which I would be censored to speak about here.

That said… I also choose to know that this is a time of GREAT AWAKENING. There is MORE LIGHT flowing through right now than ever before. We are being expanded.

I have spent YEARS learning to work with my channel to prepare to bring this light through and be a piece of the transformation of this planet as we raise the consciousness and I’m fully aware that many of you haven’t.

It is shocking to the system, especially if you don’t know how to move energy and currency. It is shocking to the system, even if you do. 

And in that… the light pouring through right now… there are dark forces at work. The darkness doesn’t want the light to prevail. It wants us to stay stuck, in fear, controlled and unaware.

Maybe I’m going above what many of you can understand… but trust me… it’s all going on right now. It can look like this…

MANY of us would love to see a complete government overhaul because the powers that be are not really stepping up and leading in a way that we desire, right? Many politicians are riddled with ego and dark energy. Doesn’t matter which side of the coin they are on… they want to control us and keep us numbed so that we cannot think for ourselves and make our own decisions, because it’s way easier to lead millions of lemmings, right?

What would happen if it all crumbled?

What would happen if we ALL utilised this time to go within and take stock of life?

Are you happy? Are you creating the results you desire in your life? Are you ‘insane’ doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result?

Do you love your job/business? Do you love what you do but not HOW you do it?

Right now… people are either falling deeper in love or realising how unhappy you are in your marriage. Which one are you? Or… are you single realising it’s time to bring in a partner?

This time is a gift. The powers that be put us into isolation, but they cannot control what you do or how you show up for yourself while in isolation. How we show up in this time… in this opportunity for death and letting all that doesn’t serve you CRUMBLE is super powerful.

As a human race, we have the opportunity to be vessels to let the light through and to choose a path of light.

THIS IS NOT saying to bypass your feelings and be all light and fairy. NO! FEEL THEM. Feel them strongly. Be with them. Get ANGRY. Get FRUSTRATED. Get whatever it is that is moving through you… and let it pass. Let it MOVE YOU INTO ACTION.

And then choose to come back to peace. Choose to move towards happiness.

What would happen if we all could look at this as an opportunity to find true happiness and purpose in our worlds? And then if each of us does that… if each of us moves towards even more happiness and purpose and love and peace right now… imagine how we can completely transform the world.

The powers that be… they don’t want that right now… they want us in fear. Hence… the spread of fear. Think of jails and war time… a tool used for some of the worst punishment is ISOLATION. it fucks with the head. That’s why they do it. People go insane in isolation.

Aren’t we blessed to have technology to keep us connected and NOT isolated?

In this time of collapse… in this time of isolation… in this time of the death of the old paradigm, because nothing will be the same after this… we have a choice to go through our own personal death and let go of that which is no longer serving you.

We have the opportunity to get quiet and LISTEN to our Divine Guidance and choose a new way.

If you are wanting to support during this time to go through your own transformation… I would LOVE to support you. This is what I have been preparing for.. this is what I am here for… I have spent years learning to navigate this death and re-birth and help others do the same.

I have many tools to help you lovingly collapse that which is no longer serving you, in rapid time, so that you can come out the other side of this more clear and aligned to your purpose and creating happiness. I’m here to help you navigate this deep and profound time to create lasting transformation for yourself.

I’m also 100% supporting my clients to THRIVE through this experience. If this is you… and you are wanting connection and deep support through this and want to make the most of your time home… please reach out. I would love to support you. Just our weekly zoom calls and the chatting we do between them is worth the price of this right now.

You are not alone. This is BIG. You have an amazing opportunity to walk towards your deepest happiness and purpose and create an abundance of wealth in your world right now.

Let me help you clear the field… clear your shit so that you can ride this wave as easefully as possible.

PM me or comment below… SUPPORT and I’ll be in touch.

Whether you choose to work with me or not… please do look at this time as a blessing… as a time to go within and find ways to create the transformation to truly fall in love with yourself and your life. Cause if you are not… what’s the whole dang purpose of this thing called life anyway?

Sending you love on your journey. 

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