By Published On: April 1st, 2020

As this virus seemingly spreads like wildfire… people are petrified of it because people are dying. My mom said to me yesterday… ‘Keri, the first person in Colorado died.’

I took a breath and honoured that person and their soul family and moved on with my day, going for a walk with my family.

I then asked the question… ‘and today… how many have died from a stroke, heart attack, gun violence, flu, or any other myriad of Dis-Ease that is happening on the planet at the same time?’

The only thing that is 100% absolute in life is death. We are all going to die at some point in time and right now the wide-spread fear and media are getting people all in a panic.

Now… I’m in NO WAY saying that I’m celebrating people’s death. I’m not. I feel for all the people in the world that are losing their friends, their family members, no matter HOW they pass over.

AND… what if we ALL surrendered into the fact.. you will die. And then ask yourself… are you living from FEAR of DYING or are you choosing to go all-in on life and make the most of every breath you have because the reality is… NONE of us knows when our last breath will come in this body, in this lifetime.

I’m also NOT saying to be irresponsible right now or ever.

I have toilet paper (I already did ).
I prepared our home with some canned goods and stable shelf life food, cause who knows what will happen over the next couple of weeks.
I have us all taking vitamins/minerals/herbs to keep us healthy.
We are washing hands, etc.

We are doing the things to keep our immune systems strong and to be as prepared as we can for whatever comes.

AND… everyone has their time. Every one of us.

So we can live in fear of that last breath and the return to home or we can embrace life and make the most of every moment.

We can choose to contract in fear right now or we can choose to EXPAND with LOVE. Either way… whatever is going to unfold is going to unfold.

The only thing you have power over right now is how you RESPOND to this.

FEAR/contraction… breeds more fear and contraction and is a huge cause of illness. That stress in your body is what can bring you DIS-EASE.

What would happen if you stop FEARING death itself because no matter what you do… it will happen? How would your life right now look and feel different?

What if you could see all that is happening… honour it for what it is… a continuation of the crumbling of this paradigm that we currently live in and choose LOVE? Love for those around you and super importantly… LOVING YOURSELF through the chaos?

The world is asking us to STAY HOME. To go inward. To look within at how we show up. It is asking us to do life/biz/everything in a new way.

If you don’t learn at this point in time to PIVOT… to go within and connect to your own Divine Love and Divine Purpose and move forward from that space… the world is going to move pretty fast around you. I mean… really… look how fast this has all unfolded.

The universe is shifting.
The energy is changing.
The consciousness is rising.
Where are you showing up for this?

How are you showing up for this?

And what would happen if you just let go of all the fear around dying? It’s gonna happen anyway. What if you make peace with it and then choose LOVE and EXPANSION instead?

PS- I’m running a 4 session training on Moving forward when money stuff hits the fan.

I’ve teamed up with an amazing woman who has spent many years in the financial industry and is going to share her tips and strategies on how to move forward in times of these financial downturns from a VERY practical perspective that everyone can do. This is for you whether you have money invested in the market or not.

I’ll be sharing ways to align your energy and manage it right now so that you can step out of FEAR and into Expansion.

We’ll be clearing things around MONEY patterns for you.
I’ll be helping reset your nervous system so that you can let go of the panic that is running through you.

It’s going to be an EPIC 4 sessions.

We begin this Wednesday. We want to get you this experience to you as fast as possible, as we know it’s important for you RIGHT NOW. This is all to help you through this chaos in as much ease as you can.

If you want to play… let me know in the comments below by saying ‘I’M IN’. We are going to pull this together FAST so I have no sales page. I’ll just send you the details and go from there.

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