The market is becoming ever more saturated with bland entrepreneurs. God. It’s a mess out there. All sorts of bloated and boring AF messaging is all over the damn place.
People actually seem to think that just throwing more shit at the internet, without fully tapping into who they are and what they REALLY came here to do, is a thing that’s gonna work.’
– Katrina Ruth
I read these words from one of my favourite mentors and knew they had to be shared. I totally agree. Mostly because… YUP… Even when I thought I was brilliant in some of the things I have said… It could be BORING AF.
And would you guess… but the more I do this… the more I show up for this… the LESS boring I get and would you believe it… the more you all engage with me and the more clients show up for me with ease.
I work with clients day in and day out to help them REMEMBER the truth of who they are so that they can stand in their power and share that, vulnerably with the world.
I say to every single person who talks to me about marketing and messaging… START. Start somewhere. JUST START.
And here’s the thing… you will likely be BORING AF.
Your sentence structure will run on.
Your posts will be too hard to read.
People won’t read them.
They will ignore you.
They are BORED by you.
You get to go through that BORING AF phase to be able to FIND YOUR VOICE.
And then you get to go through the phase where you actually realise… that what you DEEPLY have to say to the people who want to hear your message is soooooo fucking valuable that you are willing to be burned at the stake for it. Cause let’s be honest… if you are following me and loving my energy and wanting to live a life like mine… you are magical AF and you were probably a witch in a past life and whether through witchery/sorcery you died for your beliefs.
And in this lifetime… you are scared AF to do it again. But what the heck do you have to lose?
Honestly. Live a HALF ASS experience of life never REALLY standing in your full truth… never REALLY unleashing your full power… never REALLY living your dreams… all because you are scared of what others will think and ulitmately… that you will DIE for your belief. Are you going to really half-ass this and run from it?
OMG! SHIFT YOUR THINKING. I’M ALL IN FOR THAT! I would rather DIE for what I stand for then FALL OVER for the emptiness that is not me.
AND it’s THIS CONVICTION that allows me to show up here every single day and bare my heart and soul to you.
It’s this that has given me the courage and strength to get less BORING as I evolve with my work.
It is this faith that has asked me to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into BEING this person.
I’m RELENTLESS in the pursuit of my dreams and BEING the person who creates them.
This doesn’t happen by some overnight miracle.
It happens because you commit yourself to going ALL IN for as long as it takes, until it takes, without fucking question of your intuitive guidance and never ever stop.
And then… as you stand in the truth of who you are… ALL OF IT. The dark, the light, the good, the bad, the ugly, the TRUTH… ALL OF IT… You can come here and bare your soul and be INTERESTING.
Be the person that people WANT to read your stuff. WANT to engage with you and learn to MASTER your energetic, mindset, emotional, spiritual and physical self so that you can show up and channel this life-changing work that you are meant to bring to the world.
Learn to clear your shit so that you can be a DIVINE channel for the infinite and you are NEVER at a loss for words or for ways to move people to ACTION.
And ultimately… that’s what you want, right? To move people INTO action so that they buy into your ENERGETIC TRANSMISSION and you get to share your gifts with them and the world and live your Divine Purpose on this planet.
So just to re-cap…
If you want to have any hope in the world of making money in this online space, being a thought leader… START.
Be willing to FAIL. Be willing to be BORING AF, because… you will be. Be willing to put things out there that no one will buy. Be willing to not make the money.
Also… Be willing to SAY THAT IS FUCKED UP and I get to choose and collapse time and get really fucking good at managing my energy and call it all in right now.
We live in a multi-dimensional world where EVERYTHING is possible depending on what you are willing to believe and how you show up to BACK those beliefs. In some concurrent timeline right now, your reality is that of you in your dreams.
Are you willing to hop onto that timeline and be the person who lives them right now?
If so… then join me. SPIRAL with me. I’m going to take you on a LIFE-CHANGING INITIATION into BEING the person who is ENGAGING.
I’m here to help you REMOVE the CONDITIONING that is holding you in looping patterns where you care too much about what others think of you and so you STIFLE your truth. You STIFLE your voice.
I EXPECT that my clients will create next-level results. I hold the space to help you REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE so that you can stand in your TRUTH and share your message. In doing so… you RISE up and live your Divine Purpose.
I will see you in all the aspects of you and help you walk through the ones that are holding you back and shine a gorgeous light on the beauty of WHO YOU ARE.
And I know that who you are is not like everyone else. You are here following me because I will give you permission to own your full expression in your own lane and that’s FREEDOM.
This 3 months will transform your life, assuming you show up for it and go ALL IN.
We will clear 22 emotions that are literally driving you and keeping you looping in your childhood triggers. By the time you are done going through the Spiral Vortex it’s not that you won’t FEEL the emotions… you will… they just won’t trigger you into a looping pattern that is not serving you.
AS you go through this with me… you will have more moments than you can count of…’you can’t make this shit up’. It is profound.
AND… not only do you get me one on one this round… I’m opening a group to be a space for content creation. I’m going to give you so much amazing content to go alongside this journey.
I am ready to unleash my brilliance and share amazing tools that will help you navigate this journey, including some tips on your messaging so that you can be less BORING. (with all the love in the world)
If you are ready to be seen in the fullest expression of yourself… Start with me HERE and NOW. I will not offer this in this format and for this price again so get in now.
5 spots remain. I’m talking to 7 people about this now. These spots will go. Probably some today, since I’m going to completely unwind at the Hot Springs. And yes… You get to make money while you RELAX and look after YOU. Non-negotiable.
I will not bite if you reach out. This gets to be a completely soul-aligned decision for both of us. If you are feeling the call… say yes.
PM me or comment below SPIRAL and let’s do this.
It’s time to see you SHINE from the truth of who you are. And by the way… that truth is so fricking beautiful! I am excited to see you SHINE.