I pay my coaches 10s of thousands of dollars to teach me the energy/experience of being who I get to be to create the results I desire.
I have top-level mentors in all areas of my life. I work with the best. I want to know everything about how they think, feel, act, connect and experience life.
I want to download those codes into my being.
I want to tap into their energetic vortex.
I want to see myself in the beautiful eyes of them.
I am currently diving deep in working with Leah Steele in a program called Inner Alchemy where we are diving into 5 Elements and the connection to all of them. It’s deep and fascinating work. Leah and Michelle Patrick are bringing something amazing to the world. We started this week and I think doors are still open.
I am diving into a deeper understanding of Shadow work
and Being Iconic with @lorna J and Sonika Asif. It’s blowing my mind and kicking my ass in the best way. Making me question whether any of my tools are even necessary and still loving all of my tools and the results I help people create.
I am getting my Quantum Flow Certification, which I’m so excited to dive into. Juan Pablo Barahona is one of my favourite people on the entire planet. He’s one of the purest and most beautiful energies I have ever encountered. He shines in every cell of his body. And he’s teaching the movement practice that he has created after 30 years of yoga, qi-gong, tantra, breathwork, shamanic work and more.
It’s a full embodiment practice and you clear your energy through your body and get fit while you do it. I mean… it’s like heaven. And you fell so damn good afterwards.
This is a continuation from my Quantum Healing training with him last year.
I’m in the Inner Circle with Jessica Caver Lindholm. I have never met a woman who has really created it all like she has. She is probably the happiest person I have ever met. She lives the most beautiful, abundant, healthy, loving life and literally creates everything she desires when she wants it, in the most loving way. And I have the pleasure of talking with her every day about anything and everything I am getting stuck in or celebrating. It’s one of the best parts of my day right now. She and her husband Luke Lindholm have so got my back.
And… I’m doing my brain stuff, neurofeedback Nepes Neurofeedback. it’s fricking amazing. A big part of my transformation. No doubt about it.
EVERYTHING that I am doing is very intentional. And is ALL the EMBODIMENT piece of all the inner/spiritual/energetic work I have been doing.
It is time to land here. In my body. On earth. Bringing every single one of my dreams to life.
These all fell into my lap at the same time. They all FASCINATE me and it’s stretching me BIG time to keep up with it all. And I am getting it done. And I’m LANDING so much because of it.
I am learning to be the version of me that gets my dreams instantaneously. I am becoming the MASTER of myself in all areas. THIS is what it takes to really shift out of the looping place you are in.
And I couldn’t do it without mentors that are IMPECCABLE in their own sovereignty and energy fields. They are clear channels to bring through everything they desire and be in Divine Connection with all that is.
I purposefully put myself close to their energetic transmissions.
And I will tell you… it’s an investment to get close to people like this and I gladly pay it.
I am saying this to you for a few reasons.
1. If you want next-level results, you aren’t going to get it by thinking you can think your way there.
And unless you are super-human… you need someone to show you where you are not showing up for yourself. You also want someone to guide you to BEing the person that you get to be to create the results you want to create.
2. If you really want those results… you are going to have to invest in yourself. It’s going to cost you money. So be prepared to pay it.
You are going to have to pay for it before you are ready. It’s going to take your breath away. And you are going to say yes because you damn well believe in yourself and you realise that by investing in yourself, you are saying… I believe that I am going to 10x my investment by doing this and so it will be so valuable to do this. And you say yes.
3. Be purposeful in who you pick to work with to take you to the next level. Can they help you create the container to bring in your dreams? Can they help you show up in all ways so that you can bring your dreams into reality?
4. I am one of the VERY FEW people that I know that can dedicate themselves to the level of study that I do. It was one of my parents and grandparents highest values. Education. I am ALWAYS encouraged to educate myself. I invest in myself with a lot of time, money and energy and I LOVE it.
5. You want to be in my energetic transmission right now. It’s fire at the moment. In the best possible way. I am being so fully supported by my mentors and I LOVE that I get to pass that on to you.
If you are intrigued by all my tools… if you are intrigued by my writing… by my energy, my experience of life, the ins and out of becoming a clear channel for instantaneous manifestation. Work with me.
I will show you how to be the most aligned version of yourself that completely falls in love with life.
If you are ready to completely transform your life, reach out to work with me. I will take you to the next levels. Be ready to get uncomfortable. And be ready to be held all the way through it.
PM me or drop a FIRE below and I’ll be in touch.