PSA: For those of you that are here sharing your message and frustrated by the amount of interaction you are getting… I really want to help you out for a moment…
First of all… it takes time to build the community and interaction.
Second… SO MANY PEOPLE will scroll by and not interact on some of your most thought out and possibly triggering posts… the most educational… WHY?! Many reasons… think about why you read but don’t like or comment.
Do NOT let it discourage you.
I always smile when I put posts up like yesterday when I shared that it was Hugh‘s and my 13 year wedding anniversary and not 24 hours later there are 57 comments and over 100 like/loves and people I have not seen interact with me in years engaging in that. This number will grow over the next day AND this is not ‘normal’ amounts of engagement for me on a day to day basis.
it’s so easy for people to share their love and support in situations like that and we LOVE to cheer each other on. HUMAN NATURE.
It happens often.
I’m saying this to say… give yourself a break and keep going.
Keep sharing.
Know that you are making an impact, whether people engage or not.
People who NEVER engage with my posts will see me and start talking to me about something that I had spoken about online and I’mall confused like… where did you hear about that… and then I remember that I shared it publicly… and laugh. Always.
Some people… maybe you… like to be silent stalkers.
I can tell you… that more of my clients are the silent ones. They message me fro what seems like clear out of NOWHERE… but you have been following me and reading it all for years… or not… and you just found me and something resonated and you just know… it’s time to work with me and so you reach out privately.
It happens ALL THE TIME. Maybe it will even happen now… from this post. You may just be like… YES… I am ready to shift my energy to create my wealth and then message me. There is little rhyme or reason for who and when people show up. You are finally just ‘ready’. I’m always curious and amazed at the ones who show up and say yes.
So if you are showing up here and wanting more engagement… remember… it’s human nature and that is ok.
You do it too. and hey… if you want more engagement… ask for it. Energetically, physically, and show up for others… engage with others… it’s amazing what happens.
Go ahead… say hi below! I like knowing who is actually reading these. Engagement is awesome.
AND… also… I remember last year thinking… geez I’m not getting much engagement… i want more… and when my memories came up on FB… I was reminded that it was already up fromt he year before.
ANd this year… my engagement is much higher than last year.
STAY THE COURSE. Do not give up. Show up consistently. It happens.
You’ve got this.
Your message is important.
AND… DO NOT let the amount of likes or comments mean anything. People are watching.
Big love and encouragement as you continue to show up on your mission and living your purpose.