Yesterday, there was a moment where I literally had to lay down as everything about what is going on right now really hit me.
I was listening to my boys on separate calls playing with people virtually. They are learning technology and new ways of connecting, which is good and also heart-breaking. The heaviness of what is going on, in a very physical realm, right now landed on me for that moment. It really is fucked up.
And… at the same time… it’s BEAUTIFUL. I see so much amazingness in this. And that is what I have been so focused on. When it all started to unfold, I had the rug pulled right out from under me and I landed hard. It hurt. My body ached. I felt every piece of the chaos that is going on right now. And then… I quickly pulled myself out of the darkness. Knowing that it was my time to LEAD.
Knowing that it was my time to be a PILLAR OF LIGHT and HOPE. It’s what the world is asking of me right now. It’s what I was born for.
Last week, I was so focused on Abundance for the group of people that I took through Feng Shui for Cash Now. I created an amazing vortex to bring in over $101,000 in one week for the people in the group. In order to create that, I created my own vortex to hold that space and tuned out all the other noise.
And so it hit hard yesterday when I took a moment to sit with what is actually going on for humanity right now. I felt that pain. I felt that confusion. I felt the heaviness of this. And then chose to rise above it again.
It doesn’t serve anyone for you or me to stay in the lower vibrations of fear and scarcity.
I was talking to one of my dearest friends on a FB live on my personal page today. It was a really good insight into how far I have come and my journey and a really candid conversation between very good friends. Please go check it out.
And Makeda Aset said that one of the things she admire most about me is my ability to keep going and keep showing up. NO MATTER WHAT.
And I realise… that is exactly what is happening now. A leader doesn’t fall into a heap when they are being asked to show up the most and LEAD. I learned that from my Mom and Grandparents.
I asked my mom about how she felt when she would be fundraising and asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars from perfect strangers. Her response… ‘You just do it, Keri’.
I asked her about what it would have been like to my Gram when she met and socialised with JFK, Obama, and other presidents. My mother’s response… “You just do it, Keri’.
I carry that with me EVERY DAY… ‘You just do it.’
And the world is asking me to step up in a MUCH BIGGER way right now and I know I get to JUST DO IT and rise to the occasion, just like I was taught.
So… I know that publicly… I am shining a light and asking you to step up. And, I want to say… I am feeling this all with you and recognise how absolutely messed up this is, in the best possible way.
I am sending you love and I am with you. Navigating some really shitty things alongside you. And knowing that there is a light at the end of this tunnel.
And if you want to know how to get to the light faster… I suggest you just do it. Do the things you know you are meant to, in each and every moment of the day. And stop letting fear or those nasty voices in your head stop you.
PS- Doors are open for The Art and Energy of Instant Manifestation:
Clear Your Blocks and Step Into the Person who Creates Money NOW
If you want to bring in money right now, this program is for you. I’m calling you up and going to lay down the energetics and mindset of collapsing time to bring in your dreams.
We will be doing some EPIC clearing work to unplug you from this matrix of fear and re-code your DNA to that of Bliss, Abundance and Love.
If there was EVER a time to be in a group with me to shift your energetic vibration to that of Abundance, now is it.
This Energetic Transmission is BUSTING to come through me. This is more than content. Way more.
This is energetic and emotional clearing and activating to shift your vibration to that of which you desire. It’s also a pure transmission of Magical Source energy for you.
Just BEing in the container… being in my Vortex will create a shift for you right now. That’s how this works. It is an experience on multiple dimensions.
If you want to come out of this experience of life right now in a more abundant, vibrant state clearing the path to be even more aligned to your Divine Purpose then be in this program.
I have never been more honoured or excited to bring a program through. I just know that life will not be the same again for Being in this space. It’s the most powerful thing I have birthed and I have some transformational and amazing programs that I have LOVED bringing through and holding space for.
I’m running this program LIVE. It’s 6-weeks in a group format with an option to upgrade to VIP for one on one time with me, too. We start in two weeks.
If you feel the call… say yes. This is not a time to let fear dictate you, in any decision.
I do not have a sales page ready yet. It won’t be ready for a few days. So, in the meantime… for the FAST START BONUS… I’m GIVING AWAY my Feng Shui Made Simple program. It’s 14 videos and thorough explanation to feng shui your home and I make it so easy to follow.
So, if you want that, hop in NOW. When the sales page is up, that bonus goes.
Drop MANIFESTATION below and I’ll send you the details. Let’s do this!