I have been sharing more openly about my family and up-bringing lately. Whenever I do, people’s ears perk up. They always want to know more.
My family is fascinating. We have lived an abundant, full life filled with more amazing moments than most will ever dream of.
For 23 years, I have mostly kept my mouth shut about who I am and where I come from for many reasons. And so when people ask me to speak more about my family… I wonder what and how.
What I know as normal is beyond what most will ever dream. And… it’s my normal, so it’s been totally unconscious to me.
In the same way that if someone grows up poor or middle class or in an abusive environment… that’s what they grow up knowing as normal.
I still look at my husband 14 years later as we are doing something that is TOTALLY normal in my family… and say… ‘Not normal, hey?’
He shakes his head and gives me that look… ‘Nope, Keri. It’s not.’ Not for the majority of the world.
I say this as I sit here draped with a stunning jade and gold necklace, wrapped in a stunning thick cashmere wrap with fur edging that is so warm and feels so good.
I grew up in the 1% within the 1%.
I grew up in wealth in a life that is hard to explain until you live it or are completely surrounded by it. So knowing what to share with you has been a challenge for me lately.
And then there is the HOW. You see… there is an unwritten rule that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. (For many of us, not just those who come from wealth).
Think about the reason that Prince Harry and Meghann have just left royalty. They want to be able to speak their message more. They want to stand for what they believe in and live the life they are called to. And so they have had to renounce their financial connection to the royal family.
When I think of wanting to share my families stories, I often think of the backlash that can come with that. And the irony that my family created their empire because my grandfather’s name and face were everywhere you turned in Chicago doesn’t get lost on me.
And so… how I share stories here without upsetting anyone has come up A LOT for me. And I laugh at myself for that. Because really… I’m so honoured to have been so blessed to have grown up with such amazing role models. And I want to share the inspiring stories with you.
I grew up with so much love and so much abundance and I truly wish this for everyone. And so… I’m going to find ways to share my stories. I’m hearing you. I’m hearing so many of you asking me for this.
I’ve been hearing my grandma for 2 years say to me… ‘share my stories. Share my stories.’
The truth is… that for 23 years I’ve worn a shield to protect myself. Well probably much longer than that. When you grow up in wealth… there are a lot of people that potentially want to hurt you and take advantage of you. At least that is what I have been told and the story I let play. ‘Watch your back, Keri.’
The reality is… I have been used in so many ways because of who I am. And even with the shield up, that happened. And yet… I’m wanting to put the shield down and open my heart about my life, but still finding it very difficult, on so many levels.
I’m getting to the point where I don’t have the choice. Stories want to pour from my finger tips. Programs are coming through so strongly.
The world is asking for this of me. I bring a completely different perspective to the world of wealth and money mindset than many out there teaching this.
For years, I tried to fit in and be like everyone else and thought… I would never make it in this world of personal branding success if I didn’t have a story of financial struggle, where I had to lose all my money and be at the bottom and work my way out. I would have to lose a lot of money for that to happen and I’m not willing.
And so… I tried to be someone I wasn’t. I tried to hide to fit in. I tried to melt in.
IT DOESN’T WORK FOR ME. (or you, for that matter).
I am done trying to be someone I am not.
I am done making life harder than it has to be wearing masks that don’t fit me.
I’m over playing small to accommodate others.
It doesn’t serve anyone involved.
If you are here to make a difference on this planet. Let me help you. I was born into a life that my only destiny was to make a difference and I was raised to do so.
I was born as a princess, raised to be a queen.
If you are ready to rise up with me, then come… join me.
I’m running a training Thursday 6 February that will open your mind to a whole new level of possibility.
I’m going to show you how to energetically and emotionally clear your field to vibrate at the level of income you want to be bringing in and the amount of wealth you want to be holding. And I’m going to teach you how you can do this for yourself to maintain this vibration and take your wealth-creation abilities to the next level.
I was going to charge for this, but I’m giving it away FREE. I’m in the process of changing over the sign-up page so that you don’t have to pay for it, so if you know you want in, drop a 🤑below and I’ll get you the details.
And… if you just know you are ready to start diving into this work now, come play with me on a Wealth Alchemy Call. We will clear so much stuff you have going on around money and growing your wealth.
My clients get fast results and are infinitely grateful for these sessions. Phones ringing off the hook, high-level clients signing with ease, complete shifts in relationship paradigms… It’s all available for you.
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