This past week I have had a bunch of frustration come up around everything going on in the world right now. Like many of you… I’m totally over it.
The lies
The deception
The masks (literally and metaphorically)
The separation
The fighting
The scarcity
The fear
The controlling
The manipulation
The lack of integrity
The mindless herd mentality
But here’s the reality… everything going on now is simply a heightened state of what it was before. I was frustrated with it then too.
AND… if we truly, truly look at ‘mirror theory’, which means that EVERYTHING is a reflection of us and if it’s something we can see in someone else, we can see it in ourselves… then this too is in each and every one of us.
We, as humanity, get to see ALL of that and choose differently, four ourselves and for the world.
We, as humanity, are in the birth canal right now.
It’s DARK.
It’s uncertain.
It can feel scary.
And like birthing a baby… it can take moments or days. This birth canal can take days, months or years.
It’s ultimately up to us.
I mean back to the birth canal analogy… eventually… no matter what… that baby is coming out.
The world has been shaken to it’s core.
Who even WANTS to return to the way life was? I don’t.
We are seeing day in and out our freedoms get taken away and we get to ask the deeper questions right now… WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BIRTH INTO THE NEW WORLD?
There is no going back.
We have an economy on the brink of an unprecedented collapse.
We have a new currency coming to fruition that will change the economics of the world.
We have thought leaders emerging that are raising the consciousness of humanity.
We have government officials unable to hide their deceitful, lying ways…. so fingers crossed they will get booted from the ability to ‘govern’ us and we can bring in a new form of leadership, one that is actually FOR the PEOPLE.
The Schumann resonance of the planet (the way to measure the energetic vibration) is having record highs in quantum leaps. The literal vibration of the planet is rising.
We are birthing The New Earth.
You are already seeing millions, even billions, of people, maybe even you, get to shift the way you show up and do business and work. People who had ‘stable jobs’ are without work. Businesses that spent years to build are going bankrupt. Millions of people who once went to a building to work are now doing so remotely.
There is no going back to the way things once were. It simply can’t happen.
We are past that point.
So the question becomes… how are you EVOLVING with it?
How are you creating your own SECURITY?
It’s a time to look within and make the changes within yourself that will help you create the life you desire.
Many of millionaires will be born from this, like every other financial crisis to hit the world.
Many people will THRIVE through this.
There are opportunities EVERYWHERE. I can’t keep up with them right now.
How about you?
Are you willing to see outside your box and rise above the noise, rise above the fear, rise above the scarcity, the lies and deceit and create your own future?
If you are wishing you had a way out… reach out to me.
I have two AMAZING opportunities right now to set you up for financially thriving and feeling the best you have ever felt whilst doing so.
YES… HEALY is one of them.
I have another opportunity to invest your money in a way that guarantees returns. It’s BLOWING MY MIND.
There is NO GOING BACK. I have futuristic technology that is here to shift the reality of this planet in ways never before seen. I am here to be a part of birthing this new earth and helping you make the transition easeful.
Drop THRIVE below and I’ll be in touch. No pressure. You check it out. See if it fits for you and then move forward and thrive.
Humanity… we’ve got this. It’s time.
Let’s end the way we have been showing up with so much suffering around the planet and let’s create a planet of LOVE, PEACE, BLISS and ABUNDANCE FOR ALL.
That’s the New Earth I am here to create.
What about you?
Ready to join me on my mission?!
Let’s do it.
Photo: Don Hajicek