Tears poured down my face this morning.
I had just had enough. My body, my emotions, my energy everything in overload.
I allowed myself to journey it all… feeling every drop of the wave.
You watch me and come to work with me to be able to shift your wealth paradigm.
You watch me and you come to work with me to be able to live in a completely new reality.
I can show you the way, but I’m not going to tell you it’s easy. I’m going to help you find ways for it to be more EaseFUL, but Easy, no.
In order to expand out of the suffering it takes diligence and courage and strength to completely re-condition your way of BEing in the world.
This path is not for the faint of heart.
This path is not for you if you are not willing to look into the darkest places of yourself and walk out the other side to find the light.
Going through the Death is going to bring you to your knees. It’s going to take everything you’ve got. You get to throw it all in the fire and from the ashes, you rise.
Many will not have the courage to walk this path.
Many will look at me and think that somehow these days do not happen to me, that these weeks do not happen, when the weight of the world gets to be too much to bare.
When it all seems insurmountable.
I’m telling you this today so that you know… you are not alone.
If you are walking this path and getting met with resistance…
If you are walking this path and somedays it all just seems too much…
If you are walking this path and feel frustrated that it’s not all here yet…
You are not alone.
I talk to people like you day in and out.
People of all walks of life.
People with millions of dollars.
People without a penny to their name.
People of all shapes and sizes and backgrounds.
And inevitably… everyone has shit.
Everyone has their breaking points.
Everyone has their days when it all just feels like too much.
We are human.
That’s what happens.
I invite you to surrender into this wild ride called life and realise… this too shall pass.
PS-3 spots available for the most transformational experience… “The Spiral’.
It will help you completely un-condition your way of showing up in the world so that you can completely shift and alter your way of BEing in this world.
It will help you to move through these intense moments of being human.
I will support you through the death of that which is no longer serving you so that you can shine even brighter and be seen to do what you are meant to do in this world.
I will help you see the parts of yourself that are keeping you trapped into your current story and conditioning so that you can move out of it and leave your dreams.
It is 10 sessions with me, 1on1 over about 4 months.
It will transform your world.
If you are done with your own BS stories and are ready to create the life you have never even been daring enough to dream of… Spiral with me.
Drop SPIRAL below and I’ll be in touch.