On this episode, I share my personal experience with mental blocks and how they can be a danger during our daily lives.
We all have suffered of mental blocks, those little devil-on-our-shoulders that tell us not to continue or worse, to continue and ask “did I make the right choice?”
It’s time to stop thinking about the consequences and go with that leap of faith.
Enjoy the show.
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Hello and welcome to this episode of The Wealth Alchemist Podcast. My name is Keri Norley, your host of the show. And today, I am here alone with you talking to you about something that's very, very important in the world of shifting our beliefs and shifting our energy and stepping into that which we desire. So what are we talking about today? We are talking about overcoming mental blocks. I was having a conversation with my husband this morning, actually, as I was off today, doing some boxing with my trainer doing some boxing training. And I was talking to my trainer today about the mental stuff, right? And how ultimately went one of the things I've been playing with is how from the front, this is actually quite interesting. I didn't think about this when I started to record this. And that goes into this either. But from the front, one of the things I'm looking at in my life, like from the outside, I look like this really strong woman who does some really epically cool stuff and just gets on with it and does things and has created some really amazing things in my life in my business. I mean, you've been listening to the adventures on this podcast, even just having this podcast last week, actually, you guys we hit the 11th country to charting so I am now charting in Pakistan, which is super cool. So 11 countries around the world. I haven't checked to see lately how many countries I am being played in, but it's at least 40-45 You know, this book that I have The New Wealth: Magnetize Abundance Hold You Wealthy Legacy is a bestselling book in Germany, Australia, US, and it was number three in the UK is still selling all the time. Thank you guys for buying and reading. Let me know if you bought it and you read it. I'd love to hear from you. If you're listening to this podcast, and you've been loving it, I love getting interaction with you guys. So please do reach out, let me know what's been highlights of what you've learned, what you've taken away, and what's been happening. But even just these things, right? They can they from the front, it looks like this really strong, overachieving is what I would actually call myself type of a woman a lot of other people would as well. And on the internal parts of my mind, like so often I can still be like “What are you doing?” “Who do you think you are?” “Really? You're gonna do what?” You know. And oftentimes when I'm asked by source, you know, when I've shared many times on this show, that I live my life through divine intuition, divine guidance. So when I get these nudges, to do things, I'm like, “You want me to do what?” And then the mental game that happens. And I want to just talk a little bit about that, because from the outside, it can look like it's a breeze. And on the inside, I still play this game with myself that I have been. And you also know that I've been dealing with my own mental health issues, right. So if you're new to the podcast, and this is the first time listening, by the way, welcome. But also go back and check out I've been talking about this kind of stuff throughout the history of the podcast. But one of the things I've been working on over this last almost two years now a year in whatever it is, you're nine months, is deeply working on mental health issues around bipolar tendencies. And so you can understand maybe when I say that, that there's a lot of stuff that happens in my mind, that doesn't necessarily get reflected from the front. And I want to talk about that today. Because we all have these blocks, we all have things and it was really interesting. So I was talking to my husband today. He was like, well, we're having this whole questioning thing like is if there was a person on this planet, that he was mentioning it like as if there's people on this planet that don't have mental torment, or mental blocks, or things that are that are sabotaging us in our lives that we don't even realize and in this conversation like I pulled like three things really quick out of out of him that was well I can see very quickly, like some of the things that you're dealing with on a mental and probably unconscious level, which it was because he didn't know until that point. That would be stopping people from moving forward in life. And this is happening all the time. And when he questioned me about it, I was like laughing I was like, I know people who are multimillionaires, billionaires who still have this problem, right? It doesn't matter what level we go to, another level another devil but there's always something that will say to us at some point, I don't know one person, not one who has ever told me and I've worked with many of them from multiple different angles, multiple different levels that has not said at some point, there'll be something that comes back in some imposter syndrome, something that says that some beliefs that they've had since they were a child, whatever it is, that will somehow get into the from the unconscious to say, up to the conscious, you know whether you're aware of it consciously or not.
That is creating a block for you to move forward in your life. And so I just want to quickly connect it with that today. Because no matter where you are, I honor you first of all, for where you're at, like congratulate yourself for being wherever you are. Because wherever you are, you've done an epically jobs, epically good job of getting there of staying alive, of moving forward in your life of having some form of whatever success means to you. Right? And I think they know, I probably should start another podcast episode on what does success mean? Because at the end of the day, what does it mean to you? And who are you comparing yourself to? Or what standards do you have to your success, right? If you're not hitting goals, like look at what you've actually created in your life, because I guarantee you've created some amazing things. But on that note, I do want to talk about the blocks that stop us from moving to the next level. And oftentimes, we can live in this box that says, like, we have to stay here. And ultimately, first of all, that's eager, let's just have a little conversation about that. That's ego like when we are beating up against an upper level, or moving through something that is where we want to go to oftentimes egos going to come in and start talking to us and start saying, “You can't do this. This is crazy. Who the hell do you think you are? No way this is not” Right? Ego, ego, ego, ego, because ego wants you to stay safe, ego wants you to stay where you are, because it's safer. It understands like the human experience understands, at least I know where I'm at, at least I know that I can keep living right here, right now, I'm alive now. And I can handle what I've got going on. Right? And so, sometimes we have to tell ego, you're not very helpful for me. And that's like one of its own blocks in of itself, right? So starting to have this awareness around that. If we go deeper into it, though, we start to look at our own mental blocks, I invite you to, it doesn't matter, like we're talking here about money, but it doesn't matter whether it's money, or health or relationships, whatever the area of your life is, right? And start to look at the patterns. Now, because we're talking about money, what I invite you to do is start to look at this is how you're going to start to see some of the blocks that you have, okay, start to look at where and I would say even times in your life where you've had money, and some of the thoughts you had around it, then times in your life where you didn't have money, and start to think about the blocks around that. And start to think about the beliefs that you were holding that. So for example, it was really interesting, because my husband today said, like when he when he was an engineer, and he was making a lot of money, he was miserable. So he associated having a lot of money to being miserable. And I was like, does that serve you? No. Right? So starting to look at like the beliefs that we had, or have had in the past, and ask yourself, does that serve you? Is it helping you? Right? So just start to dig, and you have to dig, it might be journaling? It might be looking at your parents beliefs? What were your parents’ beliefs? What did you get raised in by your grandparents, or teachers or what was happening in society at the time, right? Were you in an abundant time of living? Were you in a depressive time of living when you were growing up? And how did that affect you? Right, because I know people who have grown up through depressions, or their grandparents or their parents have grown up for those that have been raised them right grew up through depression, it will often follow in the line. And so then there'll be this like, well, I've got to hoard things. And I've got to save, I've got to make sure that I don't overspend on certain things, because we might have the feast or famine, right? I've got to hold this on to this because I've got this, and what happens if we go into the famine? Right? And that type of stuff comes through. And then we hold that belief. And we then act from that space.
So I actually had a client that had that, right? So she come— her family had lived through depression and had nothing. And so then her beliefs were like, Oh, I can't, I can't give to myself this thing, because it's a lavish luxury, just to go get my sheets for my bed. Oh, it's a luxury. It's not that she didn't have the money, but it was a luxury that was like, I don't need that. So I'm not going to buy that which limited her to feeling amazing in what she had around her, or the support that she had, you know, from cleaners to support for team, whatever it is. It limits how we will allow ourselves to spend money when we think that there might be a feast or famine I better hold on to it. I better hold on to it and not go and do things that are nice for myself. And so that's the first step like really start to look at like what is the…
What is the family patterns? What was happening in your family, what's happening in your lineage that has created the way that you think or you act? And then start to look at your behaviors around money. And as you look at behaviors around money, ask yourself, like, does this serve me? This is actually served me. Because oftentimes, like we have this conditioning, whether it's from the government, whether it's from education systems, whether it's from our parents, no matter where it's from, we have this conditioning that says that we have to show up a certain way for money and our wealth. And just because it worked for somebody else, or didn't work for somebody else, does not mean it will work for you. And it's okay to change your mind. It's okay to change patterns, it's okay to change beliefs. So this can be a problem. This can be a tricky piece for people because they're like, well, but my mom taught me this. And if I do something against what my mom or my dad said, or my grandparents said, or whatever, or I go out and make more money than them, or whatever the thing is, you have this like guilt or shame. Like I couldn't possibly go against that. Because this is what I've been trained my whole life. And they're not going to be very happy with me if I do. But the question is, are you happy with you? Are you getting what you want? Are you really going out and creating your dreams? I know for me when I had to go right to when I was asked to—Thank you universe source, right?—To go and write this book that I wrote, The New Wealth. Holy moly, you guys, I literally gave it to my mom last week. I wrote it. June last year. So over a year ago, 15 months ago, I wrote the book, it took me until last week to give it to my mom, I'm still a little bit worried to see what she's gonna say. Because when I wrote the book, first of all, if you've read it, there's a beautiful tribute to my family in this book. And a lot of the lessons I teach her from the beautiful empowered lessons that I had for my family. And I felt really nervous to share it with her. I felt nervous to write the book, I felt like “Oh, my God, what if they don't like me? What if I get disowned by my family?” I wish I could tell you the amount of stuff that I had to move through in order to write that book and release it to the world. The day that I launched this podcast is I remember, like, I will never forget the moment when I first saw it was like the first like when I first saw go up on Spotify. And it was just the intro. I was okay. I was excited. That was really awesome. When I saw the first episode that goes on about telling you guys about my family, which if you haven't listened to it, go back and listen to the episode, and telling you a little bit about myself and why I'm here and why this where I come from and everything I had like, I felt like I'd been in a boxing ring. I swear to God, I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. And I was like, Oh, my God, and I went into full freeze because I was like, oh my god, now my family can read this into this. And what are they going to say? And what are they going to think? Are they going to disown me? And I say this because this is all the mental stuff that can happen. Now, if I had to let that stop me, which I had for a long time, if you're reading my book, you'll see this, I had for a long time, let that stop me. Because I didn't want to be disowned, like one of our greatest of values, or one of the greatest things that most human beings desire is to belong, right? So the thought of getting kicked out from your tribe from your family is one of the hardest, like worst things for a human being to really face into and to lean into and go, it's okay, I'm going to choose this. And if what I do, because I am being guided and asked to do something for myself and for the betterment of the world means that I am going to get kicked out of the tribe. It's a hard belief. It's a hard belief to walk through I will say. And I knew I finally got to a point where I was like, How can you let 30 people if you including our whatever it was 30 or 40 people or my immediate family or extended family? Are you really going to let those people stop you? And what they think of you stop you from living out something that's far grander than what they think of you? Or are you just going to hope that maybe just made me believe in you and support you? Regardless of and I beautiful my mom said regardless of whether I actually agree with you, I believe in you, and I support you. And it's been a beautiful experience with my mom and I and I had to go through that in order to be able to write the book to produce this podcast and to show up in the world. Right? I could have let that belief stop me.
I could have let that belief, keep me from being here talking to you today. But I didn’t. And as we move into our dreams, we get asked to move through some really big stuff. And it's not always easy. It's not easy. It can feel really challenging. So the first step in this is to really dig in and look like where are these blocks? Where is the conditioning? Where are the thoughts that are stopping me from moving forward in my dreams? Ask yourself, right? Ask yourself, is it worth holding on to this? If it means that I don't get that, that dream, that vision that is here for me remembering that any vision that is here for you, anything that you are being asked to do? It's for you. There's a zillion podcasts, you guys, there's a million books, none of the ones that I'm on that I'm creating, not The Wealth Alchemist, not The New Wealth. None of them were birthed through me like that was me, I was asked to do this. And you might go and find other podcasts on money, you may go find other podcast or books about leaving a legacy. I don't know why it's pretty freaking unique and amazing. But there's plenty out there. This one was for me. And then the vision that I have for the future for what the new wealth looks like, for this planet. That's, I was given that I was asked to be on this. Now does that mean I'm alone on it? No. There's many others, thank goodness. And I want all of you to come with me into this new experience of money. I was getting this thought, in the same way that you were given the vision you are given. It's your God given right on this planet to walk your mission and your purpose and your path. Because when you do and that's how you this, when you do, the world's will open up in ways that you cannot even begin to imagine, like me writing my book and me being here on this podcast has opened up so much for me in my life. In my career, in my finances, it has allowed me to connect with so many more people, eventually hundreds of thousands of people, this is the vision around the world. So that I can help to bring this mission, this vision of the new wealth to the planet. I'm not alone. Like I said, there's many others. But I have my own way as do you and your work. Right? So when you get so aligned to that, that you will not let anything stop you. You start digging. You start looking at these beliefs and asking do they serve me if they don't, clear them. So number like I'm kind of looking at some steps here. So dig in, then clear, do whatever the heck it takes to clear it. I know I'm not much into EFT. It's not my favorite clearing modality but I know that it's also can be really quite useful for people. So if you've ever heard of it, go check it out. There's people like Brad Yates that do EFT, type in ‘EFT.’ And you'll see it, there's all sorts of guided sessions on YouTube of like tapping, so other people might call it tapping, you've heard that. To clear out it works. A lot of people swear by it, to clear out beliefs that no longer serve. And so you can go and you can follow along and you can do that it's free, go and access it. I personally for my clearing. If you've been listening to me long enough, even if you haven't, like go and check it out, there's some actual clears on here that I've taken people through. It's on a manifestation clear. I did a wealth clear with somebody. So there's some podcasts that you can go and check out but ultimately, I do emotional clearing. I also do quantum healing work I do. I've been trained in NLP, I work ultimately, I mean, these are the things I would turn to for beliefs. Even like there's a podcast on here about Fung Shui, everything is energy. So when we start to clear our energy, we can start to clear this belief. And when I start to clear beliefs, I throw everything I can add it right so if it was to do with an abundance belief, I would probably go and check out my functioning or what's happening in my abundance corner. Again, go and look at the podcast on that. And if you're wanting support in that if you have some beliefs that you want to kick through, like reach out to me, this is what I do in the world. This is how I support my clients is to help them shift their beliefs around money and wealth. So and I have programs for that too.
So reach out the— what was I gonna say? The Yeah, so anyway, you can reach out and we can do that. Um, and then the next piece, the next piece, the next piece, Number three, I don't know, I've never really won you guys. By the way, I'm not a systemized person, I'm going to say that I'm not a systems person, I think goodness for the system people around me. And I'm not usually like a step by step person, you know, there's certain people who do that. But anyway, I got some steps, I'm doing the thing I'm trying, I'm trying here with you guys. Okay. So dig, then clear, then three, create a new belief, create a new belief. And so ultimately, once we've cleared through this, it's like, if we leave, it's kind of like a vacuum, if we leave space, it will get filled. So do we want to fill it with more negative looping behaviors? Or patterns? Or thoughts? Or do we want to fill it with something positive and uplifting? That's going to shift into what we desire instead? So for example, if we're looking at what did I say earlier? Money equals misery. Not a very good belief, right? So we can create money equals freedom, whatever the thing is for you, right, so now money equals freedom, far more empowering belief. And it kind of does, right, when we have more and more, more and more money doesn't kind of definitely does. When we have more and more and more money, we have the freedom to do that which we desire. We have the freedom to travel, the places we want to travel to have the houses that we want to have to send our kids to the schools that we want to exercise with trainers to eat healthier to, you know what I'm gonna say that's kind of bullshit, actually, you can eat healthy and not have more and more and more money can definitely I sometimes think eating unhealthy can be more expensive. But you know, I mean, right, we have the availability to be able to look after ourselves better. And, and I say that I, I wanted to backtrack on that, because I think some people make it an excuse not to actually eat healthy because they don't have the money. But I don't think that's true, I think that we can eat in a really beautiful, abundantly healthy way, at any level.
Okay, so we create this new belief of freedom, sorry, I'm like, I got a little distracted there. We have— Freedom is a new belief, right? So, we can have a healthier life, we can be able to travel more we can put our kids into the schools, we can have the house that we want, we can whatever, we just create more freedom, right? So allowing yourself to say yes to freedom. Okay, so whatever it is, whatever your belief is, you're probably going to want to find the opposite, what's the opposite for you? And then land that in your body? Where does that sit in your body? Feel it, feel into that experience that remind yourself of that, allow yourself to feel, what it feels like to be in that new belief, because that's where the new vibration goes. Okay, this is how we shift our vibration, how we shift our energy. Now, decide, after that we're going to decide like, no matter what, I am 100% committed to this new belief. And 100% committed to money equals freedom. And then you start to imagine the freedom you start to feel the freedom, you start to experience and be the freedom. Okay, and then you commit to this is my new way of life, money equals freedom. And I am choosing freedom, all the time. And I'm going to always be abundantly supported to create this freedom financially. Choose it, and then start to look for it. Start to allow yourself to have it and receive it. Then, take action. This is like one of the most important things about I'm gonna say manifestation that most people kind of just like leave to the side. Take action. Now, when I talk to you about my book will tell you the story. And I wrote my book. On the— my birthday, it was a Friday, last year. First of May, 2020. I was talking to I was in my Facebook group, The New Wealth. And I was talking to some of my clients. I had a little like a little party in there. I was like anyone who wants to come can come and hang out and a bunch of my clients showed up and we celebrated my birthday, lockdown birthday. And when we did I was saying to them I was like you guys I'm about to hit 1 million words on Grammarly that I've written in 11 months, which is a lot of words. A lot of words to written Grammarly. If you don't know what it is, is a site. It's an app for writing that I write my blog posts for the most part. And so when it when especially when you consider I've written words beyond that, there's a lot of words to written. And I was like, man, it's that time I write this book of mine. And I knew it was coming. Like I known for a year that I was gonna be writing a book, but I just didn't know what it was. And by the way, it's my second book. For those of you who don't know, I have two books, I've done one and I have a book called ‘How to Use Fung Shui to create business abundance.’ And I know that it would be more after I wrote my first one, but I just never had the like, what is it? I was waiting for it to land. And so that was a Friday on Tuesday, Dave Thompson, who was my book, he helped me write my book, and he was my book publisher. I have an amazing podcast with him. If you want to know about book writing, he's freaking epic, go check out that podcast. Um, but he launched the book writing retreat intensive that Tuesday afterwards. And I sent a message to them, I was like, Well, the book writing retreat was launched, I knew I wanted to write with him. So I guess I'm going to be writing a book, guys, I still have no idea what it is. But I'll just say, ‘Yes,’ take action, take divine lead action, right. Now, I could have seen that and said, I'm still I have no idea, and no idea what I was gonna write about, I'm still scared, I still don't want to put these words to paper, that I could let any of those beliefs stop me. I signed up, I think by Wednesday was signed up. Two weeks later, I think because when I had my call with him to channel through the book, basically, it was a one on one session to lay out the format of the book. And I will say that day, changed my business and changed my life. Because when I got so clear on what that book was, I also got so clear on my mission and my vision on this planet, I also got so clear on my business, I also got so clear on the things I wanted to do moving forward, that anything that wasn't in that was a No. And anything that was in that was a Yes. And that vision, and that clarity has changed the course of my business, and 100% change the course of my life.
It then helped me create this like vision of this new wealth, which ultimately when I started to see it, I was like, well, we're going to have a new banking system. And we're not going to have to be in this banking system that we're currently in in the fiat currency. Because that doesn't work anymore. It's all these global financial elite. And if the global financial elite are running the world, and they're not serving us, then what are we doing? There must be another way. And I knew about crypto at the time. But I didn't know that there was DeFi within crypto. I don't know if I've told the story yet. I didn't know if there's DeFi I didn't know. And when I reached out to people, I was such a couple of my people I knew in the industry to refer to in the book, you'll see I have them in the book. I have interviews with Rossco and Christoph, two of the most amazing people I know in the crypto space. And they're part of it because I wanted to bring people in that were trustworthy, because there is a lot of weird stuff that goes on in this and there's some dodgy as shit, just like any industry that goes down. So I wanted you guys to have place two, that was trustworthy. And that's what led me to Rossco which then led me to I mean, I swear to God, I literally sent a message because we were supposed to get on a call to connect about all this stuff. And the night before I found out about his DeFi program. And I was like how did you not tell me this? Like what the heck? Everything I visioned is already here. He's like, Yeah, it's already here. And ever since then, I have been on a rabbit Ward, down and down, and down, and down until the point where, you know, these last eight weeks I've spent teaching it you guys, if you asked me a year ago, if I'd be teaching DeFi I'd laugh at your face. But because I just keep saying Yes. Because I don't let these beliefs that could stop me very easily. They could very easily stop me. I don't let them, because the mission and the vision is bigger than the noise in my head. And let me tell you from somebody who suffered bipolar tendencies, the noise in the head can be really hard. Right? And so then we learn, we don't have to listen to that noise. It's not helping. And we move forward by letting go of these beliefs that don't serve and so this, this, this, this, this is how on the outside, right when I start this conversation, I look like and I am this is the truth. I am a very strong woman who takes actions to create my dreams on the inside, that does not mean that my mind is not sometimes a hard experience that tells me “You can't do this. You did it out. Who do you think you are? Oh, this believe blah blah. No, your mom said this that.” Right and all the unconscious ones that I still probably haven't even uncovered.
I want to say it's like everybody can do this. Everybody can do anything that you are called to do. You just have to be willing to face what's between your two ears. And let it go, what's not helping you? And say yes to that wishes, and have the courage. Have the courage to take the action steps that will get you where you want to go. And you may not even know what they are yet. And it may feel like a big ass daunting task. And you're gonna walk into unknown places that you're like, “What am I doing?” And you're going to take one step, and then you're going to take another step. And by taking that step, and this is another thing I see a lot when it comes to mental sabotaging, right, you think we need to be the perfect person that knows the perfect steps that has the perfect system to get to where you want to go? It doesn't work that way. I know some of you systemize people might think it does. But nothing ever works the way that we think it will. And so if we just take one step, the door will open. If you take another step, the door opens. If you take another step, that next piece opens. I could not, if you asked me on my birthday, when I said you guys, I think I should write a book. I never would have dreamt that I would have just finished teaching eight weeks of getting into decentralized finance and becoming financially sovereign in the crypto space would not have been a thought in my mind. Not even close. One step, one step, one step. I am so grateful that I am here doing what I'm doing. I have never been more passionate about anything in my career.
But I couldn't have done it by not taking that first step and said, I'm not going to listen to you, not gonna listen to you mental sabotage that saying can't do this. I'm not going to listen to you fear that says your family might disown you. Well, I listened to it. And then I said, Okay, that's a consequence that could happen, or it could not. So far, no one's disowned me. Knock on wood. So those are my thoughts for you today on overcoming mental blocks, that was a lot, there was a lot more than I actually thought I was gonna say tends to be when I start to talk on my solo shares. I ended up sharing a lot more than I think I will. But I hope that helped. I hope that that was a helpful, helpful thought process of that. Again, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, things that have come up for you listen to this. I love, love, love, love, love hearing from my listeners. I you know, like I do this because of you. I do this because of you. And so it really lights me up to hear what you have thought what's come up for you what has shifted for you as you listen to these shows. And please just go out and do it. Go out and take the time take out your journal and start writing out like things about your past and not to dwell in it, but to learn from it so that you can shift the things that are holding you back. And then you can step forward into this really abundant, beautiful way of living in your life. Because it's here for all of us. It's here for all of us, and living your dreams is here for absolutely 100% for you. And of course, if you want any help with any support, I have multiple ways of supporting you. Wealth causes is my program that's all around shifting your energetic alignment, your mental, your emotional, your spiritual and your physical. So in all of those aspects. I help you to shift into a higher level of consciousness around your wealth, including actually there is a section on Fung Shui, a human design. As you quantum flow to shift in the nervous system, we do emotional clearing. So if that is of interest to you reach out you can totally get in touch with me about that. If you want to do some one on one work around it. I am absolutely here and available for that. And if you want to get involved in the DeFi aspect of things, I am 100% here for that. So reach out to me, I'm happy to chat and see where you are and help to support you to figure out what's the best move forward. But whatever it is that you do, please, please, please, please, please just make sure that you are continuously, continuously allowing yourself to receive the abundance that you deserve and desire and that you are continuously moving forward towards the vision that you are creating in your mind. Right continuously taking step, taking step, taking step uncovering, letting go, taking step, taking step, taking steps, is here for you. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it until the next show; I will see you have a wonderful day evening morning wherever you are in the world.
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- Published On: January 15th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025