My content/presentation coach, Ron, just challenged me to a new topic to bring to the conversation.
It’s something he has been reflecting to me about being so good at for awhile now and I laugh and find it bizarre every time, even though I do love sales.
As we started breaking this down today, I said… well… I did grow up in a family that sells cars. And whilst they are not sleazy car salespeople, nor am I, building relationships and assuming people will buy if you solve their problem is a pretty obvious thing for me.
I was telling him about when, for years, I would travel around Australia and New Zealand as part of the team putting on personal development events for 800-1500 people. I was in charge of sales for books and cds (low-end purchases).
My goal every event for years was to train my team fast and so well that they could do the sales during breaks without my help and I would see how many people I could invite to move from buying a CD to investing thousands of dollars into one of the personal development trainings as well. A lot of people ended up in life-changing programs because of our conversations.
The best upsell I ever had was a guy who wanted to buy some CDs that ended up spending about $25,000 to invest in all the programs offered in the company. And then he went on to work in the company too.
It made my heart so happy when that happened because I knew his life would never be the same again and it did change in the best way. He has since thanked me for inviting him to invest bigger into himself.
For me sales is simply giving someone a solution to their problem.
Today, one of the conclusions we came to was that I sell you on your dreams, day in and out.
I sell you on the fact that your dreams are bigger and more important to work towards and create than your BS stories telling you that you can’t.
I help you clear your energy, mindset, emotional baggage, and physical experience so that you can be the multi-dimensional being that you are here to be and can bring down your manifestations to this planet and ultimately live your dreams and give back in the way you deeply desire to.
I help you live your Divine Purpose and be able to express that in a way that connects you with your audience so that they know, love and trust you and want to buy from you.
Ron reminds me time and time again at how much I inherently know and do because of how I was raised and the values that have been instilled in me. I don’t even think about much of what I do. That said… I have done a lot of sales and marketing training, spending 10s of thousands of dollars in this area and have had to overcome my shit around this topic too.
And here is one thing that came out of this conversation…
It is a big claim, but what the heck… It happens for my clients, so let’s claim it, hey?
I have 3 spaces available for high-level one on one work with me right now.
I want to help you DOUBLE YOUR INCOME over the next 6 months.
Since the beginning of Corona I have been a pillar to show you that through this time, we have the ability to come out ahead financially, not falling into a hole with the plummeting economy.
I mean in the first weeks of lockdown, I brought a group of about 50 ACTIVE people together in a free event called “Feng Shui for Cash Now’ and those people collectively brought in over $102,000 cash in ONE WEEK when the market was crashing and anxiety was high with the unknowns of lockdown and that was a FREE event.
Imagine what happens when you work with me.
Time and time again I give people permission to think bigger and show up to meet their dreams, even just through this writing and content I share with you day in and out for free.
So, imagine what happens when you are in my vortex and we are doing all the things, taking a multi-dimensional approach to increasing your income so you can live your dreams now.
This 6 months we will create lasting and deep transformation that will be a catalyst for change in your life in the best way.
You will come out of this not caring what other people think about you so that you can show up in your Divine Purpose and be financially rewarded abundantly for it.
In this experience, I really love working with people who are already growing their businesses and feel they are at a plateau or are busting their butts for the growth and can’t figure out how to grow more without completely burning out cause there simply isn’t any more time or energy for you to do anymore.
If you can resonate with that, the next step is stepping into your Divine Feminine Leadership (whether you are a man or woman) and clearing your shit so that you can allow for magic.
I work with my clients to create space in their day, working less and making more. It happens time and time again.
I don’t usually come here and own this, but apparently, it’s time.
So, if you want to THRIVE through the next 6 months, drop DOUBLE MY INCOME below and let’s see if we are a great fit for working together in this capacity.
You will have FULL access to me. We will be doing deep emotional clearing work, quantum healing, marketing conversations, helping you Remember the truth of who you are and standing in that and being rewarded financially for being the truest version of you and sharing your gifts with the world.
Yeah… I know a lot about marketing and sales.
Yeah… I’m pretty damn amazing at helping you clear your shit.
Yeah… I keep having reflected to me that I have a pretty unique perspective and way of showing up for money and wealth.
And with the book coming out and everything coming together for that, this is one heck of an amazing time to choose to be in my vortex.
If this resonates with you, if you want to double your income in the next 6 months, thn drop DOUBLE MY INCOME below and let’s play. ONLY 3 Spots available.
I’m super excited to be here to support you and witness your growth and transformation. It is one of my greatest joys in life. Truly.