I have never seen it so clearly.
It brings me to tears.
I am here.
I am in my dreams.
I was born into an EMPIRE.
The only thing I know to do is build an empire.
It’s what I have been driving towards for years.
I was never born to play small.
I was always going to make a big difference on this planet.
It’s why I was born into the family I was born into.
It’s how I was raised.
It takes training to be an EMPRESS.
It’s why you can’t come into my field and not think bigger.
I was raised by an Empress and a Queen.
If you ask any single person in my inner circle, friend or client, if they think bigger in life and land more things because I am in their world… They will all say yes.
That’s why you all hang around and read my words too. Because you expand in my energy field, in my transmission. You can’t not.
I find that many people can’t keep up with my mind and the expansiveness of the way I think and the immense love I bring to the world. And for awhile, I dulled things down. I am not here to be dull or not stand in my brilliance. So, I’m letting go of that stuff. 

I am here to build an EMPIRE.
It is all fully landing.
- Best selling Amazon Author is coming. Far out. It is done.
- Top 100 podcast. Cause, why not?
- -Highly viewed Youtube Channel. (I am not sure what I’m heading for here quite yet. How many people would be an amazing amount of people to have view my new YouTube channel in the next 6 months? Tell me the things.)
- A Healy team of thousands is on it’s way. Done.
- An abundance of wealth from sharing an absolutely amazing investment opportunity with you that will bring you an absolute abundance of wealth too. DROP WEALTH below if you want more info.
- Full programs that help you to break through your money and wealth stuff so that you too can create every single one of your dreams and live a life of pleasure, joy, love, bliss and abundance.
- I have the most amazing, beautiful and loving friends around me and I am so blessed to be surrounded by so much love and adoration and to have people that I deeply LOVE in my life. I am so blessed.
- I am so healthy and striving to be even healthier and I know I am reverse aging. I consciously choose that and show up for myself to take care of myself in that way, too.
- I have a beautiful team of people forming around me to support my growth and expansion. I’m not doing this alone.
This and more is landing with grace into my life.
I mean pinch me… is this really my life? Ummm… YES… it is.
This is my life because I created this life.
This is my life because I kept saying yes to me and facing the hard shit that unfortunately most people will not have the courage to face.
I was born to build an empire.
I was born to take risks.
I was born to go ALL IN.
If you want to join me as I build this EMPIRE… there has been no better time to get front row seats to an amazing ride to your most pleasurable life.
Who is with me?
Type EMPIRE below and let’s have a conversation about how you want to work together. Where do you want to play in my empire?
I see you. You are amazing. You are a Divine spark of Light.
You are Infinite Abundance.
You are Love.
Shine beautiful one.