If you are in the Jewish community in Chicago, you will know my family’s name. They have a room named after them in our synagogue, NSCI. They have 2 day camps and a part of an overnight camp named after them. They have a wing in a hospital named after them… and more.
They have an imprint. They have left a massive legacy. They have touched millions and millions of lives.
Hang with me… I want to share a story around this and what that means for us.
Ages ago, I was talking to my mom about their legacy and somehow we got onto the subject of my grandparent’s having their name on so many walls.
She told me that Grandpa didn’t do it for praise or recognition. He was actually a very humble man and even when he was dying couldn’t believe that this kid from Ohio had created the empire he created. He would wonder how he could ever have deserved the abundant and loving and beautiful life that he had created.
So, I asked her, ‘Mom, if he didn’t do it for praise… why did he put his name up on so many places?’
‘Because, Keri, he knew that if he did then other people would feel OBLIGATED to do the same.’
I smiled. By putting his name on the wall, he was asking his friends to dig into their pockets and GIVE to causes that they believe in. He was, of course, leading by example.
He was asking people to RISE UP together and to come together to make this world a better place.
Hearing this made me love my grandfather and the man that he was even more.
And so… it doesn’t surprise me that this is my calling in life.
I don’t think I could have planned it this way if I had tried, but in one aspect of the way that I choose to carry on my grandfather’s legacy… I continue to ask that everyone RISE UP together.
We are not in competition with each other. We each have our own unique blueprint and when you get to the core of that… nothing else matters.
And so… we can come together in community, in love. We can learn to build trust with ourselves and then trust with each other.
We can change the way we interact with each other.
We can all take Radical Self-Responsibility.
We can change the vibration of ourselves and this planet.
We can raise our consciousness.
We can RISE UP together.
My grandfather knew then, as I do now… we can’t do this alone.
It takes community.
We get to come together arm and arm in LOVE for the sake of keeping humanity and this beautiful planet that we live on alive.
So I ask all my brothers and sisters out there… who is going to RISE UP WITH ME?
Who wants to be part of shifting this planet into the vibration and currency of LOVE?
Comment below RISE UP if you are with me.
It’s not your time to dull or compare or think that for some reason you are not good enough. That is all BULLSHIT.
Put your stories aside.
It’s time to SHINE.
PS- This is a picture of my grandfather with President JFK during his presidency. My grandfather was invited onto his boat to have cigars, eat hot dogs and talk business. Imagine how he would have felt that day.