New Rules of Business -the Feminine Way
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to find ways to do business and life that don’t include the words, push, hard work and others like it…
I want to find a way to be in my most feminine place and feel sexy and flirtatious and gorgeous… and be a chatterbox, be silly and flowing and full of unicorns and rainbows and all sorts of wonderfully, delicious feel goodness that you just want to wrap yourself up in.
I’m at a tipping point… where playing life like a man doesn’t work for me any more. But it’s strange… in many ways, in the world of business… I haven’t learned many other ways.
For so long, men hav made the rules in business, man have taught how to write to SELL, men have written sales techniques, men have put strategies in place for finances… men, men, men.
Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE men. I live with a gorgeous one and two sweet young boys… I honour the work the men before us have done… I stand on their shoulders and walk with a higher view because of them.
But I’m a woman. And my clients are women. We think differently, we act differently, we buy differently… and we live life differently… so there must be a new way, a different way… a better way.
A way to gracefully grow our businesses as we stroll… NOT PUSH.
A way to sweetly ask our customers to buy, NOT SELL.
A way to manage our energy as we ride the roller coaster that is our life and business.
A way to honour that roller coaster… to be vulnerable, to declare that we don’t know it all! HOLY MOLY, guys… we don’t! AHHH… that feels good.
I know I’m on path to finding more beautiful, loving, caring and gorgeous ways of supporting other women, and myself to live our dream lives.
I know it will still include a lot of the stuff the amazing men have figured out…
But still, there are pieces missing for me.
The fact that I felt like I had to DRIVE SO HARD (See those words, UGHH) that I just kept on PUSHING (there is another one) until the point of collapse, just doesn’t sit well with me.
I know that it’s not only the masculinity in me, it’s just that I am an insanely driven person. I’m a Taurean. Point a bull at a red cape… it will run, right? And so I do.
But I still know, that deep within me… there is another way to do life. The feminine way. I don’t know what it looks like YET. I don’t know how it will play out. I have sat here a lot of today thinking about it, talking with my hubby about it… (Funny to talk to a guy about, but really… it’s just coming back to me, and he knows me :-))
What I know is… it means more time on mother earth. That much I know. See… back to the feminine. It means being more gentle and kind to myself… and listening to myself, my body and my inner knowing and not PUSHING past what I know to be my limits.
So, here is to SLOWING down… enjoying the ride… and still creating the life of my dreams. Because, I KNOW… that when I slow down, that’s when magic happens. So, why do it any other way?
Side note: Since I wrote this last week… I have spent a lot of time thinking and digesting this and remembering… I do know, or at least some of it. So, I’m running a webinar Thursday 17 September, 2015 to show how I do the pull not the push… And to show my strategy for manifesting things into my world. I’d love to have you join me! Here is the link to sign up… http://bit.ly/businessmanifestingbasics