I am constantly amazed at how many people say they are going to do something and they don’t show up for it.
I have been this way too. I get it, but it certainly doesn’t serve me or you.
Can anyone else relate to these thoughts below?
I’m not going to eat sugar, starting tomorrow. And then tomorrow never comes?
I’m going to post about my offer and then you don’t.
I’m going to reach out to so and so to get onto her podcast and you never do.
I’m going to reach out to this person to invite them to join me in my work/on my team, then you don’t. And then you kick yourself in the ass when she does that thing anyway and it’s not with you.
I’m going to go to the gym and you pay for a membership but barely go.
The list goes on and on.
If you want to put these excuses to the side… you know those stories in your head that keep you justifying your lack of committment to what you say you are going to do, join me in DO THE THING.
I cannot remember the last time I was so excited to create a container of KICK ASS people who are ready to get stuff done and create results.
This container is for those of you that are DONE with inactions and disappointing yourself by not showing up for yourself.
This is for those of you that know you have some hairy scary actions to take and you want support as you move through them.
Maybe like me, you are launching a book, podcast, or new program? Or maybe you want to get your health on track?
Or you want to shift your relationships?
What are you working towards right now?
ALL OF IT is welcome.
I expect breakthroughs and results for anyone that shows up for this 30- day HIGH VIBE Accountability container.
I know how important it is for me to have other people around and supporting me as I take BOLD and even not so bold actions, because it’s ALL the actions together that get us where we want to be.
And that is why this group is so important right now.
The world is not getting any less chaotic and I can tell you the planets are not easing up in the energetics right now so moving through this time is not going to get easier from an external perspective.
It’s on YOU to show up for yourself and DO THE THING.
If you want to join me and get the results you are after, drop RESULTS below and let’s DO THE THING.
30 days. $333.
FB group.
Group Telegram Chat with full access to me in that group.
3 x Live activation/clearing/Q&A calls
If you are ready to stop making excuses for your lack of results and instead create new and empowered results, this is for you!
Drop RESULTS below and let’s go and DO THE THING.