Climbing in Sedona and Overcoming Fears
Happy new year! Hope you have had a restful holiday season and taken some time to recover and reset for a big 2016. I certainly did.
I had the most wonderful time for 3 weeks in the US with my family. We stayed with my mom and she totally helped give me some down time where i caught up on sleep, lazed around, played with my kids, made fairy gardens, and had a great time connecting with each other.
I also had the pleasure of 4 nights with my hubby, child-free, in Sedona. BLISS! We climbed ridiculous rocks that looked like this… Yes I got to nearly the tippity top of this. And yes, it was steep and scary.
In order to get there… I had to climb up this and it nearly defeated me. I haven’t had such panic, fear and resistance kick in for a LONG time. At the top of that steepness you can see the big rocks… I had to get around them to get to the next level and continue up the ridiculously steep and slippery rock. And I got stuck there.
You can see me here totally stuck. I’m smiling in the picture, but I’m pretty sure Hugh caught me in a moment between cursing him and the rock and freaking out. Because in that place… I couldn’t go up, and I couldn’t go down. I was literally stuck there, hating the fact that my stubborn, determination had me think it was a good idea to try and do it in the first place.
And then… I got calm, because I had to. And I just started looking around… how am I going to do this? I have to move. I have to get out. Other people have done this, so can I. And so, I got resourceful and I didn’t do it alone. There was a nice girl at the bottom of this slide who was stopped by fear from doing this and she was telling me ideas of where I could put my hands, feet, etc. My hubby was on top of the rocks looking for ways to get me out. And eventually… I got myself wedged in a way that Hugh could pull my arms so that I could get just that extra foot of leverage to get my foot to a place that I could get myself out.
This is me, in a sigh of relief just as I knew I could get myself out. Yup.. have a look at that… it’s tricky… well at least it was for me anyway.
The whole thing was an amazing experience, on so many levels. And so incredible for me to do at the beginning of the year. On such a human level, it reminded me of the struggles and challenges and fears we have to overcome in order to achieve our goals.
And… even though there was points of fear so intense I had tears well up, I made it through. The same way, that no matter what life throws at me this year, I’ll make it through that too.
So I wonder… what challenges are you facing this year that you know you can get through… but maybe need some help? Who can you call upon to help you, like I had to in order to get through this challenge and overcome fears of mine? Is it your Family? Coach? Friends? Do you need to find someone new for your team to help you?
How can you connect with the inner part of you that knows… you have the answers and you are safe. Because that is the truth. When I actually stopped, breathed, closed my eyes, refocused and reset… I found the strength (on every level) to make it out of there.
2016 is going to be full of all sorts of wonderful moments and some fun challenges. How are you prepared to deal with them? Let’s create a magical year!