I have been working with a lot of clients in the past week around messaging. Let’s be real. If you can’t get your messaging right… you won’t grow your wealth. You’ll be left stuck where you are at, whether it’s a start-up or a million-dollar business. So… it’s important to be able to write your message.
So many of you and my clients compare yourselves to me when it comes to being able to write.
Let me tell you… this is a skill. This is something I have crafted for at least 13 years. That’s when I took my first High-level Copywriting training with an AMAZING copywriter who has made hundreds of millions of dollars with his words. The course was $10,000 that long ago.
It started my ambition of writing. At the end of the training, Alan Forrest Smith offered us the opportunity to be his apprentice. In order to be chosen, we had to write an article a day for 7 days and they had to be 1000 words.
Those 7 articles were hours of work a day and it was so hard to get to 1000 words. But I did it. I didn’t get chosen but it started my writing habit.
My hubby and I have had a blog for probably as long as that. Many different variations. Many iterations. Many types of writing and videos. Many things we have sold. But I have been writing and speaking for a LONG time.
And the truth is… my mentors still TEAR APART my writing and often… I welcome the feedback because it makes me a better writer. It makes me better able to cut through the noise and get my message to the world. And I don’t know about you, but I’m here to spread some messages.
I’m here to make the world a better place and create a positive impact on the planet and I’m NOT here to play small.
Maybe you are with me on that? In that case… you must be able to deliver your message. The heartfelt message… the one that is burning inside of you that you are dying to let it out but hold it back.
That one. That’s the one that I will help pull out of you, if you work with me, BTW. And it will get you more clients. But either way…
You must stop comparing yourself to me and the others that are pumping out content day in and out. It’s a habit we have formed. For me… I want to explode if I don’t write… but that’s not how it always was.
When I was in high school I was in special writing programs, because I was ‘behind’ with my writing ability.
When you start delivering a message in written form… it takes practice. You just have to start. Start writing to your audience from your heart.
Don’t worry about the length of it, the grammar, the wording, the titles, etc… just start writing. Put it out there for people to see.
Find your voice.
You won’t find it if you don’t start.
Start by committing to writing. Start with a couple times a week. Build it up. Don’t post everything. It doesn’t matter.
Just write. Often. Make it a habit. Don’t stop. Invest in this skill. Invest with money, energy and time.
Whatever you do… please don’t compare yourself to me and think that you will be able to write like me without learning the skill and practising over and over again.
PS- Wealth Alchemy Calls are running HOT right now. The magic that is happening is BLOWING me and my clients away.
If you are ready to bust through your money/wealth limitations, get on this call with me before my month fills up. Places are going fast.
And yes… I have talked with clients on these calls about their messaging. It’s important to building wealth in this industry.
Comment below ‘I AM AN AUTHOR’ and I’ll be in touch to book in your session.
And BTW- YES… if you have a message and you want to spread it around the world… you are an author, at some level, whether you choose to fine-tune that skill or not… that is up to you.
What are you choosing?
I want to see your words meet my screen. I want to feel your heart. Show it to me.