Conversations with God… Channeled for you…
If it’s meant to be… it will be..
**** Conversations with God… Channeled for you… *****
Why are you pushing so hard? Why are you begging? Why are you putting your eggs into the one basket? What if I have something bigger and better for you over here? And you are pushing so hard… you won’t get it.
All you have to do is surrender in. Don’t worry and enjoy the ride. Follow the signs and let go of anything in the future. It’s not yours to control. it’s not yours to control. You can’t. You have a path to walk and I will keep knocking you over until you finally just surrender in and let go… walk the path and let me guide you.
It’s that fucking simple. And you complicate it by not listening and thinking that you know better than me. You don’t. Together… we planned it before you left and went into that world. But you had to forget the plan so that you could walk your entire life to find it, go deeper into the lesson… so that your soul can come back more elevated than before. Understanding a deeper sense of self. That’s it. It’s never going to be anything else. So let go. And enjoy the ride.
And when you let me guide you… when you finally just LET IT GO… everything you have ever dreamed of is waiting for you. You just gotta listen to your heart… take every single day, as much as you can… to listen to your heart. Your heart will guide you everywhere.
Not only do you get to listen to it… you act upon it… even if it doesn’t make sense. Even if it scares the shit out of you. Even if you can’t see why… it doesn’t matter… work WITH me. Co-create WITH ME. TRUST YOURSELF. TRUST ME. And let’s walk together.Long the path you were always meant to live.
And when you are there.. on that path. Life can be so fun and so easy… and whilst you’ll have your ups and downs… it’s easier… more in flow… so much wonderfulness, because you think it and expect it, so you look for it and it’s all I want to give you. I want you to be walking your path so make it easier on yourself and walk it.
There is enough abundance on this planet, in this energy field for all of us. So allow yourself to receive it… know that you can share it. There will always be more. It’s an energy that is meant to be exchanged and in flow… follow your flow. Trust. Say yes to you. Say yes to everything in your heart and NO to everything else.
This is your work. This is THE work. This is everything. Everything else is all secondary. All the strategy, planning, etc… yeah… you gotta do something, but more importantly you need to be an energetic/magnetic attraction field. You need and get to vibe HIGH so that people are drawn to you. For no reason then by being you. And they want to stay near you… and they want to be in your energy field, so they pay you. So you gotta get your energy field aligned and vibrating to where your peeps are so that they can find you.
AND…if you don’t do this… then you are not fulfilling your soul contract. Those people on your path need you to walk in it so that they can find you to learn the lesson they are meant to learn by meeting you. So really… you just gotta do it.
Follow your heart… the path will light up along the way. I promise you.
Let me know what you think about this one… pretty f-ing powerful message there. The difference between reading that message and going yeah… and agreeing with it and moving on… and the person who embodies that message… is the difference between trapped and frustrated and just over broke… and abundance and joy and fun and adventure. Which do you want?
Are you ready to move into abundance and joy and passion and purpose?
YES?! really? YES?!
If so… if your heart is calling you there… then say yes to you and yes to Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp. I am taking 3 people in January. This work will excel your results and have you living with purpose and alignment. The work is deep and transformational and your life will change and never be the same again. ARE YOU READY FOR THAT?
Say yes. Don’t wait any longer. The longer you wait for this, the longer you put your dreams off.
Send a PM or comment below if you are ready to create the most kick ass year and look back at it and say… hell yes.. I did ALL THAT. And have a massive reason to celebrate.