These bowls of food that I ate today brought me so much pleasure…
I have battled food addiction, emotional and binge eating my whole life. This is no secret.
I wrote a post two years ago titled F$CK DIETS… F$CK THE RULES as I embarked on the journey to stop letting anyone else tell me the best way to fuel my body and that if I actually just listened, that I would actually crave and desire the foods that will fuel my body and that no matter what I eat, I can be fit and healthy.
You see… I know… I grew up eating mostly carbs and I was not fat. I have been paleo and sugar free and gained weight.
I have been paleo and sugar free and lost weight.
I have been keto and dropped weight. I also felt like it was another form of restriction and eating disorder for me.
I have spent weeks vegan and my belly hated me. Especially RAW. OMG my body hates that. Don’t give me any lectures, PUHLEASE. It may work for you. So far… not my thing.
I have a certificate in nutrition. I have a hubby who used to teach fat loss. I know a lot about nutrition, diets, etc… And if I followed what all the research says… I shouldn’t be overweight right now. But ultimately… each of those diets just led me to hating food. And then… finding ‘pleasure’ in sugar and whatever food I chose to emotionally stuff in my face that day. It was a false pleasure.
I joined Jessica Caver Lindholm in her group program Fit.Sexy.FREE. with Jessica Caver Lindholm to learn all about her mindset around food that allows her to be naturally thin and eat whatever she wants.
This is EXACTLY what I have been saying for years… but hadn’t really seen anyone do it with so much freedom as she does. And for some reason… it has given me so much permission to truly follow what I have known to be true.
And one of the things she talked about, which I have also asked myself many times before… but for some reason is DIFFERENT now…
Does this bring me pleasure?
And really checking in with my body. If I eat this, if I move this way, if I do this activity, if I reach out to this person, if I bring on a new client…. DOES IT BRING ME PLEASURE?
And if it doesn’t… I don’t want to do it.
And I am fully allowing myself to truly drop into pleasure. Because… what is the point of this all, if not to enjoy the ride as best we can?
And that is ultimately a choice of STATE.
Life is going to happen no matter what we do. So, how do you chose to move your way through life? In pain, agony, misery, suffering… or in pleasure, joy, love?
It’s just a choice. Are you reaching for pleasure or pain?
What if you allowed yourself pleasure? What would your life look like then?
If you are feeling called down this path with me… I’d love to support you.
PM me or comment below with PLEASURE and we can discuss the best way to support you.
I am taking on 3 new Spiral clients right now with a bonus session to clear the energy around your intention for the year. It’s a super powerful session to help you align to that which you are bringing in.
I also have a NEW YEAR, WEALTH Alchemy Special. 3 x 1on1 sessions with me with 6 weeks of voxer access to clear your energetic field to call in the wealth you desire right now.
PM me for details for either or both of these. It will change your life. Of that, I have no doubt.
Here’s to a 2020 full of pleasure, no matter what it throws my way. What about you?