Midnight comes along at the end of a long day and it’s time to get to sleep and I have to wash my face… I pretty much never want to. But then, I think about how glad I will feel after I do it, so I take the time to go through my evening skincare routine.
And every single time, I layer the goodness into my skin and my whole body thanks me. And I am so glad I created this habit and I am sticking with it.
Who else has a love/hate face washing experience at night?
Besides just having conversation late at night with you… I do actually have a reason for sharing this story tonight.
I’ve been thinking a lot about DISCIPLINE. In many ways, it’s something that has ELUDED me for most of my life.
And it is discipline that is actually what gets you to your dreams.
It takes doing the shit that you often don’t want to do even when you don’t want to do it that creates success.
The personal development world will lie to you and tell you that when you are on the ‘right path’ things will flow and be easeful. And whilst that is true, it’s true because you have disciplined yourself to do the things it takes to create success.
And when you start to do those things… it feels really challenging.
When you first start to write to share your message online… it’s uncomfortable.
When you first start to drop certain foods out of your diet and begin to learn about nutrition, it’s going to stretch you and it’s going to be uncomfortable to create new disciplines around what you learn. There is resistance here.
When you first start saving and investing money instead of spending it all, it’s going to push you out of your comfort zone. And there is a discipline to this… or you end up with no money at retirement.
When you first begin to realise you are driving in your masculine a million miles an hour and I ask you to drop into your feminine, trust me… you will resist but it’s going to help you create your dreams and not burn out.
Success requires discipline.
And really what I am finding, as a person who has lacked discipline in many ways for most of my life, is that upfront… it doesn’t feel fun to be disciplined. But when I think of the results because I choose to be, it gets me more excited to be disciplined with my practices.
It’s all these little things… like washing my face at night and creating younger-looking skin each and every day… that will keep my skin young and beautiful as I reverse age, because… of course, you can do that.
It’s writing to your tribe every day when you say you are going to write to them. Not 1 or 2 times and then giving up for a few weeks, then starting again… around and around and around. It takes discipline to show up for your tribe and lead them.
It’s choosing to move your body, instead of sitting on your ass, every day all day.
If you want to fast track the road to success… learn the everyday disciplines of the people who have what you desire and make them yours. Get as disciplined as they are. They didn’t get where they are by sitting on their ass and wishing for it, that’s for dang sure.
Self-Mastery is the way to create instant manifestation. It is FREEDOM. Through the DISCIPLINE is the FREEDOM.
So maybe take a minute and ask yourself… where can you be more disciplined in how you are choosing to show up for yourself? Then do it and report back to me on what amazingness you create.
BTW- If you aren’t already in my FREE 5-day experience,
Discover How Your House is Blocking Your Money Flow and What You Can Do NOW to Create $1000-$5000 this week then what are you even doing?
At the end of day 3, we have for sure collectively made over $50,000. The tally is being done now. I had this thought today… what if we could collectively create a vortex that creates $100,000 THIS WEEK, even in this economy.
Remember YOU CREATE YOUR REALITY. Come and be a part of a kickass group of people that are focused on creating abundance right now and help us make $100,000 by the end of this week.
Who is in?
Drop ‘$100,000’ below and I’ll send you the details.