In all ways.
When I was younger, I was the sweet girl always comforting people, if they were hurt.
I learned to avoid conflict, in all ways possible. I would do anything to not fight… to have peace in my external world. It’s not what was often the case, but I wished for it.
BTW- This has led to a LOT of unwinding over the past years to stop PEOPLE PLEASING and not speaking my truth and stand for what I want in relationships.
14 years ago when I became a Master Coach and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis the biggest thing I took away from that, which has driven my life ever since is the concept of ‘self-responsibility’.
I BELIEVE FULLY that if we all lived taking full responsibility for our own actions, always owning every piece of our lives with the ability to see how we created that for ourselves to learn a lesson… then we would have world peace because no one would be blaming anyone for the results in their life.
When you really think about that… it’s actually quite simple and profound, but many will never walk that path. And even those of us on it… I invite us all to go even deeper into that. It’s profound.
I dream of the day that peace prevails over Earth. It is truly possible, if we all act from radical self-responsibility and unconditional love.
Whilst this is one of my biggest drivers in life… my desire to bring peace to Earth, in every way, I know the way it starts is in me.
I have lived my life riddled in anxiety. I have had panic attacks that felt like heart-attacks and that I was dying.
One of the scariest moments of my life was the day I was home with a few month old baby breastfeeding and I couldn’t breathe. My heart was constricted. I had an emergency call to my husband who was a 15 minute walk DOWN a BIG HILL with my 3yo on a balance bike and groceries. He grabbed them all and RAN up the hill to help me. A true superman to get home to me and walk me through the feeling of death coming over with my 3 yr old by my side too.
I have dreamed of having peaceful relationships. Interestingly… it brought me my hubby who when we first met was one of the most grounded, stoic, even-keeled people I had ever met. I kept waiting for him to explode at me. He never did. It took a long time for me to realise he really meant it when he said he wouldn’t explode at me.
In our relationship, I can count on my fingers, probably don’t even need toes, the amount of times that man has actually lost his shit at me and yelled at me. He’s a rock. Which has had it’s own complications, but that’s not for now. In some way, I had found peace in him.
But, that didn’t actually bring peace to me, to my system.
The anxiety has come from fear. The anxiety has come from the horrid way I spoke to myself. The anxiety came from a complete disconnection from the oneness of my source self.
I am Divine. You are divine. We are all one.
When we get that there really is no separation and everything exists within you… you can create whatever the heck you want in your outside world.
And you can create peace in your inside world.
And the more of us that find peace in our inner world, it ripples into the outer world.
The world is a reflection of us.
If you, too, desire peace on Earth… never underestimate the importance of BEing Peace within. Never underestimate teaching our kids PEACE and LOVE over hate and fighting.
It starts with us.
After going through The spiral twice and Quantuam Healing and all the clearing from last year… I am finally able to see all the places that I create havoc in my own life.
This year is about shifting all the things that have been creating the opposite of peace. I am bringing in consistency, pleasure, happiness and deeply leaning into unconditional Love for self and others.
Who else is with me?
PS- If you are ready to drop deeper into yourself without the constrictive conditioning that is holding you back from being the truest essence of you… SPIRAL WITH ME.
The Spiral is one of THE MOST profound and transformational experiences I have ever had. I deeply believe that everyone on this planet would benefit from going through The Spiral and it’s my deepest honour to take people on this journey… to be in this Vortex with them.
Everything about life changes. There are so few words that can describe the joy I see in people’s faces when they show up within a couple sessions and say… ‘Keri, the underlying anxiety that was always with me, is gone.’
And each week as I check in… they nod their heads in almost disbelief that the anxiety that had been underlying everything they had been doing in life was next level gone.
Relationships transform, money increases, businesses expand, purpose becomes clear.
I’m taking 3 new Spiral clients on and one of those spots is almost gone. Who is ready to create magic?
PM me for more details.
Photo: A blissful moment of love and peace as I was shoveling the driveway today. #nofilter