A seed was planted today. My heart feels expanded. Big conversations happened today.
I want to share this with you for many reasons. Please read on. Personal, Vulnerable share. A snippet into my life right now.
For this entire school-year we have been in a conversation around sending the boys to full-time gymnastics and homeschooling them next school year. It’s a MASSIVE decision on SO many levels.
So when we were asked to keep them home because of the virus, I smiled and laughed at the twisted way of the world in helping us make this decision. We have been given a chance to test this out before we committed.
At this point, neither of the boys want to go back to school and want to go to gymnastics full time, which is 20 hours a week. 7-9:30a and 2:30-4p EVERY DAY. And we get to fit school in between that. Plus run multiple businesses that require us to show up for clients. We still aren’t sure how we will physically do this longterm, but we are talking about it.
I absolutely see the benefit of homeschooling, in SO MANY WAYS. And I love the idea of it. I love what we can give our boys that school can’t. I’m seeing that even though my kids were in a beautiful Waldorf space for education that there is a lot of work to undo some school habits. This is the catalyst that brings me to this…
Without getting into all the details…. A couple months ago, (pre-virus) I had a BOLT OF LIGHTNING come through reminding me of a dream that I had when I first studied NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). I Dreamed that one day I would be part of creating a school that taught LIFE skills. That taught entrepreneurialism, health, wealth, creative thinking… you know creating the mindset and energy to win at life and ultimately be your own sovereign being.
When the lightning bolt came through it was far grander than I dreamed of 14 years ago.
A school of LOVE. A school for kids and adults. For real life skills.
Money, entrepreneurialism, wealth, health, farming, permaculture… a self-sustained community made eco-friendly… A place to be taught to excel in life and celebrated for our uniqueness.
Today… I planted a BIG SEED to get that vision started. I have NO IDEA how this will come to fruition. And maybe it won’t. I’m totally unattached to it, but something about this feels really good right now.
ALSO… Today, I had a raw and real conversation with my hubby. It wasn’t planned. And the universe gave us a childfree hour to have it. (They were entertained outside.) I laid down some big stuff to look at. I think my husband is one of the most amazing Beings on this planet. Truly. He is. He is so gifted that it blows me away. AND… we have our shit.
We carried a lot of our parents shitty behaviours into our relationship and really have had a very toxic relationship for years.
In these past couple years, there have been MANY improvements and still there is more work to be done. But we are having the REAL conversations. The ones that mean the needle moves forward and today was another one of those big conversations where things get real and placed on the table… no matter how uncomfortable that feels.
BTW- It’s why I often help my clients improve their relationships… I am doing the work myself and have a lot of ways to support you in this experience.
Why am I telling you this?
1. it’s in my field. it’s what is going on in my world and I want to share all of me with the people who want to learn with me and you are those people and for that I am so grateful.
2. We have the opportunity of a lifetime right now to really take this time to shift our paradigms. You can pull back from all distractions and call yourself in your shit and rise up. Let go of what is no longer serving you and call in what you desire.
Are you dropping into how deep you can take this?
I KNOW… I KNOW we all have a LOT on our plates right now and things are a huge juggle… but that’s the point. Find your centre in this and ask… how do I show up right now as the best version of me and create abundance and peace in the centre of the chaos? Be the eye in the storm.
3. Just because the external world is in chaos, doesn’t mean you have to give up hope. Some absolutely AMAZING new creations, businesses, connections and more are going to come out of this. Many people will come out of this AHEAD in many ways. The only way to even begin to create that scenario is to keep your focus on THAT.
4. If you really want your dreams… you have to go ALL IN. And that means having the really fucking hard and uncomfortable conversations that you don’t want to have. You get to walk through the uncomfortable places, whatever that looks like, and not shrink but meet them head on. And most people are not willing to do this and so they stay STUCK. UGH.
Don’t let that be you.
I know this was meant to reach someone today. Let me know if you can resonate with what I’m saying in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.
PS- If you want to dive deep into BEing the person who creates their dreams now… join me in ‘The Art and Energy of Instant Manifestation.’
Juggling all this adjusting in life is meaning it’s taking a bit longer to get this sales page ready… so you can still grab Feng Shui Made Simple FREE if you join me now.
The group is forming… Are you gonna take your place? If you know you want in, don’t sit in wonder until last minute. Commit and DO The thing.
Show up the way you want your clients to.
Comment DREAMS below to get more info. It will be an amazing 6 weeks of QUANTUM transformation.