Iconic companies going bankrupt.
People losing their jobs.
Kids depressed and suicidal.
Adults depressed and suicidal.
People dying for all kinds of reasons. #notjustcorona
I woke up to see so many of these messages today and right now, I feel heartbroken.
I don’t usually come onto social media and speak doom and gloom. There are enough other people for that. It’s been my work, especially through this time, to bring love, truth, objectivity, positivity… to be a guiding light through the darkness.
But today, I am sitting with the sadness in my heart as I watch iconic businesses collapse, as I watch young people so deep in the struggle that their parents are doing everything they can to keep them alive, as I hold friends and family in their tears as loved ones pass-over… It’s a tough time to be alive for most of us, no matter how much money or ‘success’ we have or don’t have.
I very much can see a bigger picture for all of this. I can see more than meets the eye. I can absolutely see that through the ashes we will rise and be more abundant, more full of love, more unified and stronger together.
As I leader, I hold strong to that vision and ask that you all come with me through the darkness.
And yet today… I really do feel the heaviness of humanity.
Today, I feel sad as I witness so much struggle.
I realise, in choosing to lead you through this to ‘The New Wealth’, I can easily bypass these emotions. Not today.
Today… even though in my spiritual self, I know that all of this is for the highest good, that all of this is leading to the crumbling of structures and ways of being that are no longer serving us, as humanity.
In my human self… my emotional self… I am feeling the pain for my fellow brothers and sisters of humanity.
I am feeling the pain in my own heart as I, too, walk through the death with you.
The world is not giving us a chance to run from destruction and death right now. It’s all over the place.
We are all together in this. And if you are going through tragedy, if you have had people you love pass-over, if you or someone you love is dealing with dark spirals downwards… you are not alone.
We are in this together.
This week, I set up a death altar. It’s my symbolism for letting go of the things in my life that no longer serve me. It is my symbolism for the death of the aspects of self that have been holding me back.
As we ride this wave of destruction, chaos, and death, I invite you to turn inwards too. I invite you to feel whatever is coming up for you and allow that to be ok.
I invite you to look within and see the aspects of self that are no longer serving you and let them go.
Notice the places that you are not showing up for yourself in the way that you desire to and make a new choice.
I see you.
I feel you.
I am you.
I love you.
And through the ashes we rise.
PS- If you are ready to burn that which no longer serves you in the fire and rise through this time so that you can come out the other side more purpose-led and more abundant than ever before, let’s talk. I would love to support you through the process.