I wish I could tell you the amount of times that I have beat myself up for not being millionaire enough. First world problems, I know. But hear me out.
I wish that I knew the amount because if I did, that would mean I could count them. But the reality is… it has gone on for so many years that the number is impossible to guess how many millions of times I have beat myself up for not being enough of who I am to come here and share my story.
Not broke enough to fit in. Not rich enough to fit in.
I’m a millionaire but haven’t ‘MADE’ a million dollars.
I’m within the 1% but have had many months where I have wondered where the money will come from to pay all our bills. It always shows up from wherever it is right now.
The duality of life that I have led, if you really knew the ins and outs, is a mind-fuck, really.
And the shame that has piled on has felt insurmountable some days, but I keep following my soul. No matter what. No matter how fucking scary it is and how much conditioning I have to let go of to sit here and write these musings for you.
Ok… so there was a look at some of the pieces of me that I have wanted to keep hidden.
The pieces of me that if I ever thought you heard them you might turn on me and hate me.
The pieces of me that have held me back.
People always wish for money to solve their problems. And I will be the first to say that having more money means that you have resources available to you that you may not otherwise have to be able to shift out of your problem, so there is that. BUT… it’s NOT MONEY that makes it better.
OMG. It doesn’t matter how much money I have or you have… we all have stories that we play out that stop us from stepping through the threshold to be the leader you are born to be.
What I want you to truly get… don’t make money your reason or excuse. No matter where you are at. Because no matter what level you play at… there is shit about money bound to come up for you.
Remember… No matter what.
You are enough.
I am enough.
We are all so perfectly perfect who we are.
Let go of the shame, no matter where we come from.
With so much love…
PS-SPIRAL WITH ME! OMG… I could never have even SEEN the stuff I am looking at right now in the ways that I completely SABOTAGED my life nevermind come here and share them with you if I hadn’t gone through The Spiral.
It’s one of the most transformational experiences for letting go of all the conditioning and shit that is no longer serving you so that you can show up and BE the LEADER of your life.
You enter into a VORTEX with me and I will be guiding you on the most transformational journey back home to yourself in ways that you couldn’t even dream about right now behind the conditioning that is no longer serving you.
This is a 1 on 1 experience that spans about 3 months. It’s powerful and it doesn’t matter what level of success you have in your life… this is for you. I truly believe that the world would be a far different place if every single one of us was ‘Spiraled’.
If you are ready to turn your world upside down and start showing up in the next level version of yourself… get in on this now.
I have 3 spots open. One is on it’s way out the door. They will go.
You will thank yourself with tears of gratitude at the end of this journey because you are so grateful of who you have already become and you have an inner silence knowing the transformation has only just begun.
BONUS: The next 3 people to join me will get access to my 7-week deep dive program called Millionaire Mindset. A $495 Value.
PPS- You know if this is right for you by the call that you have to say yes. You don’t understand it. You have no idea what will happen, but you are so dang curious and your wanting to click the button to message me. Do it. Click the button.
I will only do this with you if it’s soul-aligned for us both. No pressure.
PM me for details.