My clients show up because they want to uplevel their wealth. They think it’s a money thing. And it is. And we dive into that. Deeply.
What also happens… Every single one of them brings me relationship stuff. Because… really… having lots of money and having unhealthy relationships that are ‘ok’, mediocre… is simply not good enough for the people who are here and changing the world. (And really… even if you don’t THINK you are here to be a game-changer on this planet… it’s still isn’t good enough to settle. #justsayin).
What I see time and time again… people SACRIFICING their joy, their bliss… walking their soul-aligned path to the absolutely light and abundant leader they are meant to be in this world… for someone else.
It’s not ok to sacrifice your dreams because other people can’t see what you see.
It’s not ok to sacrifice having a relationship filled with LOVE, JOY, BLISS, PASSION, Hot AF Sex, to live in a mediocre one.
I have continued to laugh as this shows up for me to help people with because I am by no means an ‘expert’ at coaching relationships. I have had moments where I felt like a fraud as I do when I know that I have my own messiness that goes on in my relationship.
What I am an expert at… Living my life soul-aligned and constantly saying yes to it… NO MATTER WHAT.
It has brought up SO MUCH shit in my marriage to do so. And what I have literally been told by clients is… that is one of the things they love about me. I won’t pretend that it’s perfect. But because of this… I have learned a LOT of ways to navigate this.
I have spent over 15 years diving deep in learning communication and relating skills. I have learned where I have totally fucked this up and where I am putting my shit onto hubby and making him feel small and so much more.
I also was raised with a grandfather who taught me time and time again… by practice in our family and building what is now a multi-billion dollar business that still had some of it’s original clients 50-60-70 years on… Life is ALL ABOUT the relationships you have and working to nurture those relationships.
All the money in the world means NOTHING if you are at the end of life alone and miserable.
I work with my clients to completely and totally honour the truth of who they are on all levels. I help my clients fall in love with themselves and give them permission to shine their lights so damn bright. I give them permission to say yes to the depths of love that you can have with yourself and then call it in with others.
The people who are showing up to work with me are nothing short of amazing and human AF. It is truly an honour and a joy to help people navigate this journey of life.
Standing in your truth and honouring yourself is NOT what most of us were taught to do growing up. It’s not something many of us had in our role models.
What would happen in your life if you chose this path… chose to love and honour yourself first… and make it non-negotiable?
Sure… things get a bit messy first… but what comes from that… is WEALTH in a way that you could never experience with money alone.
I see you. I love you. I honour you. I will help you do this for yourself in a way that you never have before.
This is a path that only a person who has the courage to truly walk it can hold space for you to go on.
And I can tell you… I can teach you manifestation and money stuff and have for a long time… and you can get results and many of my clients have.
That said… When you drop into the work I am doing with my clients now… it will transform who you are, how you show up and help you live a life of BLISS and true WEALTH.
I’m calling in 3 people to dive deep with me in my INITIATION… also called Wealth Alchemy Intensive.
The name doesn’t matter. What does… I will hold you like you have never been held. I will walk with you through the darkness to the light. I will help you honour yourself in a way that you never have.
I will show how worthy you are of being loved, firstly by yourself than by others.
I will help you shine brighter than you can imagine. You will begin to call in the next level of client and business that you desire.
You will be so damn clear on all that you desire in your life and you will clear all the stupid stories that you are telling yourself that are stopping you from living them that, like magic… stuff just shows up.
This world exists. I know. I am living it and watching my clients do the same.
Like I said… I’m not ‘perfect’. My marriage is by no means ‘perfect’, but far out… we have grown SOOOO MUCH in the past couple years. And we are navigating this journey in a way that I feel so damn proud of. I am beyond blessed to have a hubby that loves and supports me in so many ways.
Whether it be through this Initiation process, saying yes to Spiraling with me or deep diving into wealth alchemy sessions… Saying yes to working with me is ultimately… saying yes to you.
Comment below LOVE or PM me and let’s connect and see what the absolutely most aligned way to move forward is. You will be in tears, thanking me in just a few weeks. It keeps happening over and over again. Is the next person I get to love on, you?
image: artist unknown