This week, I’m triggering a lot of people, including my clients. I’m triggering them hard. I have felt them wanting to run the other way.
I have felt many of you want to run the other way.
But you can’t.
You are hooked.
You are intrigued.
You want more.
Because… you want to see you.
And the reason I trigger you so much is cause you don’t like what you are seeing in yourself.
Let me share a personal experience to help you really get how important it is to lean into the triggers.
Last year, I had the honour of learning this lesson with Leah Steele and I’m so ridiculously grateful that she could hold her own energetic container so strongly that she could hold the mirror for me to see and embody all aspects of my ‘cold-hearted bitch’.
Leah is one of the most beautiful, kind, powerful and ALL IN leaders who is firm in her boundaries on this planet. I admire her so much and feel blessed to be a part of her inner circle.
And.. last year, I was CONSTANTLY triggered by her. ALL THE F-ING TIME. And I paid her more and more and more money (probably at least $15,000) to be TRIGGERED AF.
And all my shit… she would throw it back at me… always showing me where I can own all of me.
Let me be clear… I loved her equally as much to being triggered by her.
It was a profound moment for me at the beginning of the year. One day… I wasn’t triggered by her. One day… I was so deeply grateful and in love with her. And my entire perception of her shifted.
I spent a year last year diving ALL IN to completely energetically, emotionally and spiritually de-construct and re-program myself, to an extreme.
This year… is about grounding and embodying all the work I did to free myself last year. And I KNEW that my paradigm had shifted when I was no longer triggered the way I had been by Leah.
And now… I have worked to own my own container and to hold my space so that I can be a mirror to my clients. I help them see themselves and often they are triggered with what they see and in the actions that they agree to take to move the needle forward. Then I help them to move into what they truly desire, whilst clearing what no longer serves them and helping them embody the next-level version of themselves.
And eventually… they see what I see… and they are madly in love with themselves. They feel and see my love cause they see it in themselves.
Even in the most triggered moments… they are always so grateful and are so held and supported on the journey.
It’s a profound experience and you will never be the same again. AND… you are likely going to be triggered AF by me. And CELEBRATE that.
Even reading my posts triggers many of you. I know.
Whatever that trigger is… find it in yourself. And love yourself for it. Your life will change.
You are welcome.
I see you and I love you.
You are beautiful. In all ways. Look for that and see what happens.
PS- If you are ready to collapse time, accelerate your results and step into the next version of you, NOW is the time.
Use this time to become the best, most aligned version of yourself.
Who do you want to be when we come out of this experience? How are you choosing to evolve during this time?
Let me support you. It will transform your life.
PM me or drop LOVE below and I’ll be in touch to see if we are an aligned fit to work together. There is an Inner Circle being formed. I’m deeply feeling it.