Maybe you can relate?
The amount of times a week that I question, ‘who the fuck am I?’ to do these things is countless.
The amount of times that I have looked around my life and thought ‘I am a failure’ is a lot.
Even now.
It creeps in.
‘Why would people listen to me?
What the f do I know?’
And then I look around my life and remember…
Oh yeah…
Far out, I have lived an amazing life.
I am my own worst enemy and I push myself HARD.
I achieve more in months than many will achieve in years.
My life is messy.
It’s not everything I want it to be, YET.
I have spent so many years looping in a mind that was LOCKED DOWN.
It’s the BRUTAL TRUTH of Mental Health issues.
And I am freeing myself and my entire life is changing before my eyes.
It is literally taking my breath away.
I thank the universe for having me say yes to Quantum Flow Certification, Healy and Neurofeedback this year to get me through this experience of completely turning my life around.
So when I really sit with that question…
Who the F am I?
FAR OUT… I am a kick-ass woman that you want to have in your corner.
I am really smart. Like you better run to keep up with me.
I literally am a sponge for absorbing information.
One of my highest values that was bred into me by my family is education.
I have spent realistically probably close to $500,000 to educate myself and get the mentorship to get to where I am.
And I am insatiable. I never stop. It is my biggest expense every year.
Not only that, I have lived an epic life of adventure and opulence.
I am a SUPPORTER. If you have never been mentored by a wealth Dynamics Supporter, you are missing out on a gift.
I am one of the most brutally honest, loving cheerleaders you will ever meet.
My mirror cuts cause I will show you the truth of who you are and you will walk through those shadows and love yourself more than you ever have and from that space, create the most amazing results.
My clients smash their goals.
They kick-ass.
And I’m one of the only places in their life that they will be witnessed in tears, maybe for the first time in years.
Every single one of them.
My heart smiles in those moments cause I know we are creating transformation and I love you so much in those moments. I will love you through your darkness and I will see how absolutely beautiful you are so that you can find your way towards that.
It’s so easy to fall into the trap of beating ourselves up for not being where we want to be, YET.
It’s so easy.
It’s also just as easy to remember that we have come a LONG WAY and celebrate all the work we have already done.
It’s just as easy to be present in this moment of our journey.
It’s just as easy to say, ‘Wow! Look at how amazing I am.’
When is the last time you saw yourself for all the amazing that you are?
Breathe your amazingness in, right now.
Another breath. Yes. You are Amazing!
I see you.
I love you.
PS- 30 days to ‘DO THE THING’ is open right now.
If you know your mission and you are ready to fully step in and get the stuff done that it takes to get where you want to be, this is for you.
This is a NO EXCUSES vortex.
This is a community gathering to hold each other accountable to the best version of you.
This is a KICK-ASS, strap in your belts cause we are QUANTUM LEAPING group.
If you are DONE with not getting the results you have been working so tirelessly for THIS IS FOR YOU.
It’s time to SHOW UP for yourself.
There is no other way but forward.
Feel it.
You know you do.
3 Clearing and Q&A Live calls.
Group Access to me on Telegram.
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Apply if you are ready to go ALL IN on your dreams.
ONLY $333. It’s an INSANELY AMAZING value to work with me at this level.
Let’s do this.
Comment DO THE THING below and I’ll get you the details.