I am learning that at some point in most of my client relationships that I will trigger the F out of you.
You will likely want to throw daggers at me. It often happens.
I felt the same way about one of my greatest mentors, @Leah Steele. She took me through my Spiral and it was and still is a transformational experience. It’s truly a gift that keeps on giving.
And she held a mirror for me to see all the places I was totally being a brat and letting myself down and chucking tantrums at others when always… always… it’s about me.
Whatever triggers me in someone else is also within me. And when I become ok with that trigger also being in me and love that part of myself… it tends to not trigger me in others anymore.
This is the journey of The Spiral.
I’m so grateful for Leah guiding me through the Spiral, through all my own shit and resistance.
Once you say yes to your soul and go through The Spiral with me… eventually you will get to this point too and be so grateful for facing your triggers head-on.
Without doing this work, (or something that offers you a powerful mirror for your looping patterns) you will continue to loop in the same patterns and remain stuck in the same game you have been playing.
If you want to move through this, you have to be willing to see yourself at your most raw and vulnerable so that you can have deep awareness of how you are sabotaging yourself so that you can choose differently.
This is what happens when you come into my field.
I’m not your ordinary mentor/coach/healer… None of those words really resonate with me.
Alchemist is what I call myself.
I take you places that you have never been and will crack you open to the most magical mysteries of your own life.
The only people who will hold space for you to see the darkest depths of yourself so that you can break free from creating your own suffering is someone who is walking that path.
This path is not for the faint of heart.
This path will have you questioning all of your life.
You will get scrambled.
You will not be sure of where you are going to land. You will learn to be ok with that.
You will find new ground.
You will walk a new path.
You will BE love.
When you Spiral with me… I take you on a journey to the truth of who you are and help you fall in love with her. Consequently, you are the BRIGHT light you have been desiring to be.
And everything just begins to magnetise your way.
It truly is a magical and transformational experience.
I honour each person who chooses to step up to the plate for this journey and I love watching the transformation unfold. It’s a true joy for me and blessing that I get to do this amazing work with people.
I have 3 spaces open for Spiral right now. There has never been a better time to Spiral with me.
Let’s clear through what’s holding you back from being your magnetic self and stepping into your soul-aligned path and creating your most amazing dreams.
I watch my clients do this day in and out. Who are my next 3 amazing souls that I get to work with?
Drop SPIRAL below to get more info.