Over the past 4 months, for the first time in as long as I can remember… I have been without a person holding space for me. ie: i wasn’t working 1on 1 with a healer, coach, mentor, personal trainer… No one.
When I chose to leave the mastermind I was in with my coach, Leah Steele, when the 6 months I had paid for was up.. she said to me, “Keri, You do realise you will be alone for one of the biggest integrations of your life, yes?”
And Yes I was totally aware of this, but I took a deep breath as I responded knowing that my soul was saying… it’s time to walk away from this support. It was not an easy decision, because I KNEW she was right.
In a matter of 4 months, I had done a Quantum healing certification, gone through The Spiral and then become a practitioner of The spiral, which means spiraling again, in a week. Plus… I had gone through an intense energetic money clearing program too. All of this and I had done a ton of other deep inner work and all the practice sessions that come with this. And as I left the mastermind… was heading to Bali for Wealth Spiral… it’s own deep dive that rocked my entire being.
It was a LOT to go through in only a few months and I’ll be honest… it’s not for the faint of heart to choose this level of Rapid Transformation… working intensely in the quantum realms to clear your shit.
What happens at the end of this?
I watch my clients who Spiral with me get to the point where there is nothing left to hold onto. There is a void space because when you completely remove the stories and triggers from your energetic field… they are gone.
The best way I can describe it… you are standing in a room wanting to climb out but there is nothing to hold onto… just walls… blank walls where there were once a ton of triggers and crap that you were constantly grabbing onto. It honestly is FREEDOM.
And that happens if you go through The Spiral, on its own.
So what I did… was intensify that by a SHIT TON.
And then chose to integrate… ALONE.
It has been FAR from easy and ABSOLUTELY necessary.
In the past, I have been a chronic people pleaser. I am empathic. I am a wealth dynamics Supporter. And… I have moved from one co-dependant relationship to the next.
SO… What does that have to do with anything?
In many ways… I didn’t know how to be alone. I haven’t learned how to HOLD MYSELF. I always wanted other people to do it for me, at some level. I didn’t realise this at the time, of course.
I was and still can be… so easily influenced by the ideas and dreams of others and as a supporter.. can so easily be swept up in other people’s visions. Over the years, it has taken an immense amount of work to be able to learn to see and feel my own visions and follow those and to be able to differentiate what is someone else’s and what is mine. I can still get lost in this, if I’m not careful.
So why am I sharing this with you?
Because… I know I was called to be alone, but I also knew… it was not forever. This was always going to be a short period of time for me to be in my own field and really dive deep into learning to hold myself, which I DID.
It was a profound few months for me that even through the challenge of it, I was infinitely grateful for the experience.
When your triggers are removed and you are in the voidy space… there is this beautiful experience of being able to have so much awareness and clarity around things that you simply could never see before. But if you FILL that space with NOISE… it can still be hard to see it.
It’s also why when I take clients through The Spiral… there is always time at the end of the experience before we do integration work together for them to experience the power of what they have gone through… for them to sit in the void and SEE themselves. I’m here… holding space for them… and allowing them the space to BE in this new way.
Anyway… I look around me and see so many people are doing life alone. I honestly don’t want to imagine life that way.
I absolutely LOVE having a support team around me to help me create my dreams, on all levels in all ways.
My hubby has known for years… money gets to be budgeted for me to have support because honestly… I do so much better in life with someone guiding the way for me and helping me see what I don’t see in myself.
I’m not alone in this. Most people are also better off with someone to hold space for them to navigate life and yet… so many people try and do it alone.
If that’s you… and you are doing it alone…is it working for you or would you be better off with someone by your side to help you clear your shit and navigate this wild ride of life?
This experience has made me even more dedicated to my work. It has brought even more awareness of how powerful the work I bring to the world is and what massive transformation comes from the work I do with my clients. But also… knowing… I am a supporter. I am here to support people in shifting their shit to create their dreams and holding the space for you to do so, because hand over heart… You do not have to be alone.
It’s pretty rare that my clients do not end up in tears on our calls because the work is so profound. And I’m infinitely grateful to those who turn up and trust me to help them let go of that which is no longer serving them to create their dreams.
As we head into 2020… I can think of no better way to start this year then by Spiraling with me. If you are ready for the ride of your life and to remove the triggers that have been keeping you back from living your dreams… there is nothing like this out there. I have been in this world for over a decade and can hand over heart say… this is one of the most transformational experiences you will ever go through.
So… if you want 2020 to be different than every other year… don’t do it alone. Reach out for help. And… clear the shit that has kept you from creating every dream over the past years and make this year different.
For the next week… if you sign up to spiral with me… I will do a BONUS 1on1 clearing call with you around your WORD and intentions for the year. I did this session for myself yesterday and it was SOOO powerful. This is a $222 BONUS Value.
PM me or comment below… Spiral and let’s do this. Your life will never be the same again in the most amazing way.
Photo: Bea Maz