You can’t hurry your man through the ascension process. We’ve been on this path for awhile. We have been waking up and remembering the divine connection to all that is.
We have been waking to our witchy ways and our wombs. We have been learning to connect to our feminine and stop pushing.
There are men who are awake to this already, too. And there are others who are waking up. And some that are fast asleep. This is the same for women too, of course.
It doesn’t matter where they are on the path… they are going to go at their own pace. Much like you have.
Give them time. Honour them for where they are on their journey.
When you can truly look at each other in complete honouring of the other’s path, in your own self-sovereignty… there is a whole new world of relating out there for you.
Trust me when I say… I get it. I too have spent years frustrated with my hubby for his lack of spiritual, energetic, and emotional connections. EVEN THOUGH… in his work… if you are on his table… he’s so attuned to these it’s not funny. The man works with the divine and brings magic to you. There is no other way to describe it. Hugh’s hands on you is magical.
But that magic has stayed in his massage room for years.
We ALL have this magic. We just have to wake up to our own magic. And no matter what I did… what I said… how I ‘pushed’, it was NEVER going to hurry his process of waking up to his higher purpose in life… to using his divine connection to help him guide his own way.
So I stopped pushing so hard.
I stopped wishing he was something he wasn’t. Of course… At the same time, I have been calling in everything I desire in a man. I just wasn’t attached to whether or not it was him. I know what I want in life. I’m not attached to how it shows up. Simply that it shows up.
I told him this. I told him I am calling in this type of man into my life. I want it to be you. But if it’s not you… the right person will show up for me.
It was never an ultimatum. It was always and still is… calling him into his higher self and stating to him and the universe that I’m not available for anything less. So if he wants to be in the relationship… he’ll show up for it. If not… he won’t.
And either way… the answer lies there.
I stopped pushing him.
I invite him into my world.
I invite him into the magic and the world of deep transformation and divine connection.
It’s his choice if he shows up for it.
And either way… I do my best to honour him for where he is at on his path. Don’t get me wrong… it can be frustrating AF. But that person in front of you is your divine mirror. And there is nothing that you see in them that is not in you.
So before you go and point that finger at him and blame him… look at where that is at in you and start there. Own that piece of you and from there… speak to him.
As women…so many want to blame the men for well… everything. And we are wanting to quickly hurry them through the ascension process. When you can both look at each other and whole-heartedly own your own shit because of the mirror that is being reflected in front of you… your entire relationship will change.
When you can learn to honour each other for where you are at and love the person for everything that they are… and stop trying to change them… your entire relationship will uplevel.
We are still messing this up. We are still learning this. We are diving deeper into a relationship full of love and respect. Some days it’s challenging us both to say yes to. And some days we mess everything all up. But far out… we are both giving it our all.
This didn’t happen overnight. I make no promise of what will happen tomorrow.
I know that today… I’m madly in love with my husband and so grateful that he loves me in all my crazy. I’m grateful that he ‘allows’ me to be free me in my exploration with self and connection with Divine. He’s not the kind of person to say no to my ‘crazy’ soul-led ideas. And for that, I am blessed. I’m grateful for this and so much more.
So ladies… stop trying to push your men into submission. It won’t work.
PS- If you want the most powerful way I know to shift your relationship and your life… Spiral with me. It’s a 10-week journey home. A vortex that will change everything about your life for the better.
Let’s let go of the drive energy that you have that is literally driving everything away from you and allow you to stand in your magnetic self and allow it all to be drawn towards you. Let me help you embody your magic.
Just trust me. If you want to shift and bring your next phase of life into your current reality… just say yes to working with me. You will be in tears, grateful that you did. It happens with almost everyone who works with me.
You know what to do… comment ‘Spiral’ below or PM me. 3 spots. Is one yours?