A few days ago I read a post from Kelly Mahalak that called us up to lead by our HUMAN DESIGN. Amongst other things, she said this…
‘Manifestors: Tell us what you are doing in the world. We are waiting for you to share your next move.’
And it clicked in a way it never had before.
I have been working with my Human Design for over a decade. As a Manifestor, I know it’s my job in the world to INFORM.
As a Manifestor type, I am of the 8% of the world who is designed to INITIATE. I am here to start things.
We are the only type that doesn’t need to be invited to start something. This means that we often just DO THINGS without telling people because we don’t even think about it.
I have learned to INFORM my family when I decide to do things. I am conscious of that. But… when she said that, I realised I had been doing a shitty job of informing YOU. Doh.
I know that may seem bizarre since I’m here all the time sharing from my heart, but I forget to inform you of things that would help you.
I forgot that my role is not only to inform the people closest to me, but also you.
And there is something in that energy, as well, that really just flipped a switch with me.
It also probably has something to do with a conversation I was having with Ron Ben-Joseph as we bring content out of me to share with you for presentations and ultimately the breakdown of the work I do.
This week… it was ’emotional breakdown week’. Everything got to me and we ended up in a big conversation around my blocks to sharing my message.
A long conversation wrapped into one sentence. ‘I’m not worthy of being heard’. And so… I don’t always speak. I know you may think that’s crazy, but it’s true.
And also… of course… if that’s the belief… I have unconsciously looked for it to be true and it shows up in people not ‘hearing me’.
And it has been an underlying ‘thing’ for all my life.
So… I cleared that and dropped into my role as a manifestor, here to inform you, so that you can be INVITED into the next step and MAGIC is happening.
Add that to having my FREE FB Group, Elevate: Ascend Your Wealth that I am LOVING hanging out in and sharing all kinds of amazingness, in a safe place and things are shifting within me and outside of me to reflect that.
I’m wanting to share in ways I never have before and it’s lighting me up.
Why am I sharing this with you?
1. If you are a HD manifestor… make sure you are INFORMING people. Inform your tribe of what you are doing. They are waiting to hear from you.
2. If you don’t know Human Design, go find out your Human Design at www.humandesignamerica.com. It’s free.
And if you want to know what the heck that means, reach out to me for help.
3. Even us leaders out here sharing our message and doing the thing have ‘stuff’. The journey is to quickly see it, alchemise it, and take the next aligned action so we can move closer to our dreams.
PS- I’m informing you that we offically start ‘The Art and Energy of Instant manifestation’ next week.
Telegram chat is officially open as of now for this group.
Millionaire Mindset is in their possession to start working through.
If you are ready to breakthrough glass ceilings and create a time of THRIVING through this current experience of reality… comment THRIVE below and I’ll get you the details.