I wish I could truly describe what will happen for you when you Spiral with me.
It is the most transformational journey I have been on and that I can take a person on. Once you have been Spiraled you will literally see life through new eyes. Nothing is the same anymore when the hooks and triggers are gone and you can see yourself deeply in the mirror and know your truth.
You reveal parts of yourself that are so absolutely beautiful that you will wonder why you buried that for so long.
You will find an inner strength that you had never discovered.
You will look at the people around you differently. To be honest… you will likely want to walk away from some of your relationships when you see the people around you through new eyes. And whilst it may be challenging… yes… it’s a good thing.
It leaves you room to call in the most soul-aligned epic next level BEings on this planet doing kickass amazing stuff to walk the path with you.
You will find the courage to do things you never dreamed of.
You are highly likely to make more money. Most of my clients have. The ones that haven’t, are not prioritising that right now.
Your message will reach further.
I have a client who took her business internationally with our work together.
I have others that new clients and business builders are falling in their lap.
One who got a multi-six figure job contract that moved him from Melbourne to Singapore for an amazing adventure.
Some have received intimacy in a way they hadn’t been able to before.
All who are in intimate relationships have improved the communication and connection in their relationship.
For me… The Spiral has completely flipped my life on its head.
I won’t lie. It’s been fucking uncomfortable.
I always say to people when they start their Spiral that they will see massive shifts in just our 10 sessions together but that is only the beginning of what will unfold for you.
I went through Spiral twice last year. Right on top of each other cause as I finished my first Spiral, I went to practitioner training.
It shook me to the core. To say that I have been through a dark night of the soul would be an accurate representation of the experience.
This is because you literally shift your identity during this process. You get to see and remember the truth of who you are. And as you do… things drop away and you are left in the void wondering what there is to grab onto, because a lot that you had thought about life is now no longer your reality.
Once spiraled, you will give NO FUCKS about what other people think about you. I say this in the BEST way.
You will give all the fucks about the people you love and you will stop trying to please the ones you don’t and who are not a soul-aligned relationship.
Honestly… none of these words feel like they can truly share how you will feel months out from Spiraling. I’m about one year from when I started my first Spiral. It’s hard to believe. I feel like it’s finally all really landing at how incredibly potent saying YES to this work and everything that has come since then has been.
I am feeling so grounded in who I am and what I am here to do. There is no wavering from this truth and I won’t stop until I am ashes spreading through the sky. This level of conviction and KNOWing is what most of you are craving. And in the meantime, you are floundering around, bouncing from one place to be ‘fixed’ to the next, wondering what you are really here to do.
It’s in this confusion that you send out a signal of confusion and consequently are getting haphazard results that are not really your dreams.
You will clear the shit in your way to standing in your purpose, to the truth of who you are. It’s literally what this is designed to do. It’s profound.
There is no doubt in my mind that every single person on this planet would be better off for Spiraling. The world would be a very different place if everyone took this journey.
If you feel the call of this vortex that will take you home… PM me or drop SPIRAL below.
I know the thought of being seen fully, in all your shadows and light is scary AF, but this is the way forward. Not many will be willing or able to show you in yourself what I will. It’s a gift to have this space held for your awakening and remembering. It’s also an honour for me to get to do this work with you.
If you are ready to say yes to your next level version of life… Spiral with me.
5 official spots left. 6 were on the table. One is gone. 7 other people are already in conversation for those spots. If you want in… get in fast. These spots will go.